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"Well, then, when the English conquer this region I have that will make thee rich. Till then let us wait on the good event, but not delay the marriage." That Christmas Day they were married in form. As the three sat before the fresh venison and drank wine from the store of the Blue Cock, Nanking said: "Father Ffob, you are wise.

"No," cried Nanking, "I have yet the gifts of Santa Claus which I took from that chimney on the night before Christmas. Yours, father, may be burnt. Mine are all safe!" He sailed his father and mother to the island since called the Pea Patch, and Ffob Oothout recognized his property. "Wonderful Nanking!" he cried, "thy faith was all the wisdom we had. God protects the simple!

Yet, surely Santa Claus had been there. After a time Nanking opened the top and side of this chimney as if they were two doors. He found it packed with goods of all kinds a ton at least. "I will run and awaken my mother," he thought. "But no. Did not Ffob Oothout tell me to blab no secrets and shut my teeth tight? I will tell nobody.

Thou shalt be, erelong, the best-dressed wife in all New Amstel. Nanking, wouldst thou like to have a father?" "I would like you, Ffob Oothout, for a father." "Widow," said Ffob, "he has popped the question for me; wilt thou take an old pirate for thy man?" "They are all pirates here," replied the blushing widow, "and thou art the best pirate or man I have seen."

The first night they inhabited it they strove to light a fire under the wooden chimney in the river gable. The chimney caught fire and burnt out like an old hollow barrel. "Wife," exclaimed Ffob Oothout, looking grimly on, "in that chimney was all my property and thine. Poor boy," he said to Nanking, "we must all be poor together now."

At breakfast Nanking found upon his bench a beautiful new gun. "It is thine, good child," said Ffob Oothout, "for sparing me those lashes. Thy churlish uncle felt so reproved by thy innocent words that he set me free. Widow, here is a spiegel for thee, a looking-glass to see, unseen, whoever passes up or down the street. That is a woman's high privilege everywhere.

And when the Blue Cock comes to port you shall have more petticoats and high-heeled shoes than any beauty in New Amstel." Ffob Oothout stole a couple of kisses from the widow, like a bold sailor-man, and she promised that he should lodge in the river end of the Amsterdam warehouse. For the rest of that afternoon Nanking carried Elsje's beautiful doll, and his feelings were very much comforted.

The burghers and planters, "after almost three days' parley," agreed to Carr's demands, and Ffob Oothout with five others signed articles of capitulation which promised large privileges. But the Governor and soldiery refusing the English propositions, the fort was stormed and plundered, three of the Dutch being killed and ten wounded.

Ffob Oothout went around amongst the Swedes and the citizen Dutch, and prepared them to take the matter reasonably. One day in October of that same wonderful year, 1664, two mighty vessels of war, flying the English flag, came to anchor off New Amstel and the fort. They parleyed with the citizens for a surrender, and Ffob Oothout conducted the negotiations.

Thou art our treasure." The great Hinoyossa condignly fled to Maryland. Uncle Van Swearingen was exported to Holland, and in the dwelling of Peter Alrichs the family of Ffob Oothout made their abode. "Nanking," asked the houseless Alrichs, "is not Elsje pretty yet?" "Not as pretty," answered Nanking, "as my little baby sister. I will carry nobody's doll but hers."