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In reality the depth was not so great; yet to anyone within it escape was impossible without help from above. Into this hole Ferd peered, holding the lantern so that its rays fell straight downward, and calling in a jeering voice: "Is the 'captain' ready yet?" "Oh, Ferd! good Ferd! Please, please let me out!" answered a voice that thrilled old Pedro's heart with joy. "All right. The money first."

He showed himself very well disposed toward my suggestion. Mr. President, in the sacred hope that you take me to be a better poet than orator, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your reception to-night, and personally pray for the tranquility and prosperity of this free and magnificent republic. From an address in Brewer's "The World's Best Orations," Vol. VII, Ferd P. Kaiser, St.

His beautiful machine lay with its front buried in the water of the ditch, and the sight was so disagreeable that Ferd seemed to lose what little discretion he generally boasted. "There, see what you've done, Dick Morrison!" he exclaimed, fiercely.

It doesn't bother me a particle. I'm satisfied to get along day by day, and leave the future to itself. But I must be on my way, Ferd. Glad you like your berth. Be sure and invite me to a ride in that car when you conclude to get it." Mr.

You know the one that is only a little over a mile from Three Towers where you girls are going." Again Billie felt as if she had been treated to a shower of ice water. Teddy and Ferd were going to Boxton Military Academy, and Chet her darling, loyal Chet would not be able to go with them. Her own disappointment seemed nothing at all beside this new tragedy.

He was waiting in the outer room for a paper which the president intended sending to the post office to go by registered mail, when who should come in but Ferd Graylock, accompanied by his father; who, as one of the officers of the bank, went straight back to the room of the president without ceremony, leaving his son in the public waiting-room.

Then I commenced. Perhaps I did hit him a little harder than I should, but I was stirred up, and meant to teach him to leave me alone after that. I guess I did it all right," and Dick, boy-like, smiled grimly as, in imagination he could see the deplorable condition of his antagonist when Ferd humbly admitted that he had had enough.

"I'll give you something to do. To-morrow you go round town and hire half a dozen men say, Jackson Denslow, Zeburee Nute, Brad Wade, Seth Swanton, Ferd Parrott, and Ludelphus Murray. Be sure they're all members of the Ancient and Honorable Firemen's Association." "Hire 'em for what?" "Treasure-huntin' crew. I'll go with you. I'm their foreman, and I can make them keep their mouths shut.

It's my ground, and I won't have it wiped up," said Billie decidedly, at which Ferd had to laugh and the mock war came to a close. "Say, this is some classy place, what?" said Chet, stopping in front of the rambling old house and regarding it admiringly. "Have you met with any ghosts yet, girls?"

And, to Susan's amazement, her aunt, evidently informed of the event by Mary Lou, had asked her not to tease her cousin about Ferd. Susan felt certain that the spoons were from Ferd. She took great pains to make the holiday dinner unusually festive, decorated the table, and put on her prettiest evening gown.