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It's loving money has made Ferd do such dreadful things; and now, over a little money, Wolfgang and Elsa are quarreling, though I never heard them speak crossly to each other before. Oh, I hate it! Give it all back to her, mother dear, and let us forget all that Pedro said. I, for my part, hope his old copper mine will never be dug out."

Twice they had "waited on" Landlord Ferd Parrott, of the Smyrna tavern twelve of them in a stern delegation and he had simply blinked at them out of his puckery eyes, and pawed nervously at his weazened face, and had given them no satisfaction.

When the children play 'Indian' why can't they copy you, and not those dirty Diggers, that Ferd teaches them to be like! Pedro, you are splendid, and I love you! I love you!"

They gathered, a sober, black-dressed group, in the cold and dreary parlor, Ferd Eastman looking almost indecorously cheerful and rosy, in his checked suit and with his big diamond ring glittering on his fat hand. There was no will to read, but Billy had ascertained what none of the sisters knew, the exact figures of the mortgage, the value of the contents of Mrs.

Some, remembering their own idle talk of kidnaping and the like, shuddered at the practical application the dwarf's dim mind had made of their words; and various plans for punishment were forming when the captain clapped her hands for fresh attention. "Hear me, 'boys.'Do you belong to me?" "Ay, ay! Heart and soul!" "Then you must mind me. You must let Ferd alone.

As soon as the boys could recover from their surprise they tumbled down the stairs, tripping over each other in their hurry, while the girls followed more slowly. But again the noise stopped abruptly, and when they entered the room there was nothing to be seen or heard. "Say, this thing is making me mad!" cried Ferd, glaring at the old piano as though it were the offender.

"The finale, as Ries relates, was begotten in a night of storm"; and on this text Marx discourses through a page or two. Ries relates no such thing. Ib. p. 179. For Schindler, read Lenz. Ib. p. 191. "The Philharmonic Society in London presented to him.....a magnificent grand-piano forte of Broadwood's manufacture." Schindler says expressly, "Presented by Ferd.

Moustache-monkey, colours of the. Moustaches, in monkeys. Mud-turtle, long claws of the male. Mulattoes, persistent fertility of; immunity of, from yellow fever. Mule, sterility and strong vitality of the. Mules, rational. Muller, Ferd., on the Mexicans and Peruvians.

"But we can't just sit back and let the piano perform like that every night, can we?" asked Ferd, in an argumentative tone. "I'd rather stay awake part of the night than all of it." "Don't you even want to solve the mystery?" asked Chet, in an aggrieved voice. "Mystery humph," grunted Mrs. Gilligan, feeling very brave and disdainful in the bright sunshine.

From a speech published in Brewer's "The World's Best Orations," Vol. IX, Ferd. P. Kaiser, St. Louis, Chicago, publisher. BY SIDNEY SMITH I have spoken so often on this subject, that I am sure both you and the gentlemen here present will be obliged to me for saying but little, and that favor I am as willing to confer, as you can be to receive it.