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Fellers like Bland are exceptions. He's no Texan you seen thet. The gang he rules here come from all over, an' they're tough cusses, you can bet on thet. They live fat an' easy. If it wasn't fer the fightin' among themselves they'd shore grow populous. The Rim Rock is no place for a peaceable, decent feller. I heard you tell Bland you wouldn't join his gang.

Stopping short, she swung herself free and looked her bold assailant fairly in the face. "Well, young feller," she said, with icy dignity, "what can I do fer you?" The loafer fell back as she turned, and when she had spoken, he turned in mock alarm and fled, crying as he ran: "Save us save us! Ugly and old as a witch, I trow!"

"Looker here, yeou," cried Sile; "I've got some money I won batin' with you, and, by thut-ter! you'll find I ain't afraid to give ye all the chance you want on that Wyndham game. If you've really got twenty-five dollars, mebbe we can raise a pool, same as we done before, and cover the whole of it. I'll put in my share anyhaow. Who's the next feller?" "I am!" "Count me in!" "I'm another!"

"Say," said the marine, "I wish you'd look at the feller in the brig." "What ails him?" demanded the man of the hospital squad. "Blessed if I know. But just look at his face his eyes!" The hospital man showed his face at the grating, looking at Sam Truax keenly for a moment. "Wow!" he ejaculated. "Looks fearful bad, don't he?" demanded the marine, also peering in. "What do you think it is?"

She had never admired them half so much before, but they seemed now to need a red necktie to set them off; and so the gorgeous result of Dick's fishing and trading came out of its hiding-place, and was arranged on the white coverlet of her own bed, with the rest of his best garments. "Jus' de t'ing for a handsome young feller like Dick," she muttered to herself.

Eliph' placed his hand on the sample copy of Jarby's. "I will tell you how he died," he said briskly. "No, you won't," said Skinner angrily, waving his hand toward the door; "you won't tell me nothin'. I've heard of these stories of yours, I have. You want to sell me one of them books, and you'll talk away at me about this Rossiter feller, and the first thing I know you'll have me down for a book.

"No, sir! You ain't going to have One Man coulee unless Andy, here, says he don't want it!" shouted Big Medicine. "I leave it to Chip if Andy hadn't oughta have first pick. He's the feller that's put us onto this, by cripes, and he's the feller that's going to pick his claim first." Chip did not need to sanction that assertion.

The mellow call arose again, very clear and distinct in the silent air, and as they approached the edge of the hickory grove, Jim pointed upward. "See him thar on the limb," he said, "the big feller with the feathers all shinin' an' glistenin'? That's the gobbler, an' the littler ones with the gray feathers are the hens. I'm goin' to take the gobbler.

"Yes, Abe," Morris Perlmutter said with bitter emphasis; "Max Kirschner steals away trade from under our noses while you fool away your time selling goods to a feller like Sam Green." "What d'ye mean, fool away my time?" Abe cried indignantly.

"And what answer did the young feller make?" inquired the miner, as though a great deal was attached to Fred's reply. "He said that he was ready to comply with the customs of Ballarat, and that he would wait a fortnight, if necessary, to allow the shaft miners to get out to see the fun." "He said that, did he?" asked the spokesman, nodding his head with pleasure.