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"And now," he said to Bones, when the deputation had left, "it is up to you to go out and find a nice, respectable crocodile to take the place of the lady you have so light-heartedly destroyed." Bones gasped. "Dear old feller," he said feebly, "the habits and customs of fauna of this land are entirely beyond me.

"Look 'e hyar, young feller," began the Yankee skipper, as I set foot on the poop, "I wanter know what's the meanin' of this outrage. D'ye see that there flag up there? That's the galorious " "Stars and Stripes," I cut in. "Yes; I recognise it. But I may as well tell you at once that I know this ship has no right to hoist those colours.

Instantly Laz became animated, but without a change of countenance: "Say, ricolleck that feller lived over our way, had a white hoss one day come along and " The cup ran over. "You ain't very good at shoutin', air you?" "Whoa," said Laz. Jasper tilted the jug to his own lips and Laz drained the cup. Starbuck made a motion with the jug toward Margaret and she shook her head with a shudder.

I believe he'd give her poison an' risk it any day, if only I promised to marry him afterwards. Then there was a feller called Jeck Bartley. I set him an' Bob fightin' one Bank-holiday you should a' seen 'em go at it! Jack went an' got married a year ago to a girl called Suke Jollop; her mother forced him. How I did laugh!

"'Course the government ain't goin' t' take on an old feller like me," he said, "'specially when he has t' be towed in himself when he's most needed t' lend a hand; an' I ain't above takin' a place in the Light, Davy, when I pull myself up sufficient, but I want once an' fur all t' clar the air 'bout Janet."

If it had come through two or three, or even one, pair of ears besides my own, I couldn't have believed 'em I never could have believed that any human creeter, male or female, would have dared to stand up before me, and try to sell me a feller! Sell a feller to me! Why, even in my young days, do you s'pose I would ever try to buy a feller?

"They're called fer by another feller, sir." "Oh, they are! Who?" "Red Slavin wus the name he give me of thet other buck." When the two had disappeared, Brant sat back thinking rapidly. There was a mystery here, and such actions must have a cause. Something either in or about Glencaid was compelling Murphy to keep out of sight but what? Who?

"Reckon it's just ahead now; I remember that big tree we passed comin' out," replied the uninjured one of the precious pair. "All right. Don't let the kid get past. Seems to me he's some slippery. I seen his face somewhere before," grunted the sufferer. "Course you did. He was the feller that captained them boys this morning in the game we watched while waitin' for our chance," said the other.

Frank caught hold of the ruffian, who had arisen to a sitting posture and was holding onto his head. "Paid for?" cried the boy, excitedly. "Do you mean to tell me that you were paid to waylay me and break my arm?" "I didn't mean ter tell yer anyt'ing, but a feller wot kin fight like you kin an' den stay ter see if a chap wot tried ter do him was hurt dat kind of a feller oughter be told."

"I suppose the letter'd be opened." "It would," said the outlaw. "You're sure a clever feller, Gus. You c'n see a white hoss in the sunlight. Now what d'you suppose they'd think if they opened a letter addressed to Dan Barry and read something like this: "'Dear Dan: You made great play for L.H. None of us is going to forget it. Maybe the thing for you to do is to lay low for a while.