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Morganson, of whom I have heretofore spoken, had crossed from Kentucky at or near Louis City into Indiana, and was raiding the country, taking horses, wagons, and all kinds of property that could serve any purpose whatever in aiding the rebellion or in facilitating its movements. Stores were pillaged, houses plundered, banks robbed, and farms laid waste.

The character of both the American and the English author must commend the work to the favorable notice of teachers and all interested in facilitating the business of public instruction. Pinnock's Modern Geography and History, revised by Edwin Williams, is an excellent compendium of the branches on which it treats, and we cheerfully recommend it for adoption by teachers and others.

A convention was negotiated between the United States and Great Britain in April last for facilitating and protecting the construction of a ship canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and for other purposes. The instrument has since been ratified by the contracting parties, the exchange of ratifications has been effected, and proclamation thereof has been duly made.

Wide practical experience in the management of large business interests had admirably fitted him to improve the organization and increase the efficiency of the insular police force, and to mature and carry out plans for bettering means of communication and otherwise facilitating and stimulating the normal, healthful commercial development of the islands.

I find, if his conditions can be made profitable and safe as to money, he would go, but not else; but, however, will seem not averse to it, because of facilitating his other accounts now depending, which he finds hard to get through, but yet hath some hopes, the King, he says, speaking very kindly to him.

It remains to shew, as Mr Taylor has very satisfactorily done, how that which has been well begun may be followed out and completed by the establishment of more complete uniformity, and the legalisation of decimal gradations for facilitating calculation.

The Congress has earned the gratitude of the world by generous financial contributions to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. We have taken the lead, modest though it is, in facilitating under our existing immigration quotas the admission to the United States of refugees and displaced persons from Europe.

Upolu is almost entirely surrounded by barrier reefs; these wonderful submarine walls, or breakwaters, built up to the level of the sea and forming a fine smooth lagoon, invaluable for fishing and facilitating all kinds of communication between the settlements along the coast. The distance between the shore and the reef is from thirty feet to three or four miles.

Specially constructed strainers for the mechanical filtration of the water near the ore face, and probably, also, chemical and other precipitates, will be largely resorted to for facilitating this important operation.

But if the inhabitants of these vast regions are not divided by contrary interests, the extent of the territory may be favorable to their prosperity; for the unity of the government promotes the interchange of the different productions of the soil, and increases their value by facilitating their consumption.