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Don't forget that she is well-born like yourself. These women of quality are, no doubt, as immoral as any other women, since they are constructed of the same material, but they like to have their pride flattered by certain attentions. She is rich, a devote, and, what is more, inclined to pleasure; strive to gain her friendship 'faciem ad faciem', as the King of Prussia says.

For many years I have observed that those who should and would speak of me in public, be their intentions good or bad, seem to find themselves in a painful position, and I have hardly ever come face to face with a critic who did not sooner or later show the famous countenance of Vespasian, and a faciem duram.

To this knowledge belongs also that which the Scripture calls faciem et vultum domini, the face of the Lord, whereof the prophets speak much; who ever sees not the face of the Lord knows Him not, but sees only His back, that is, an angry and ungracious God. And here you perceive, that St.

I will sing the God of the two mighty wings. Hosanna to life! Hosanna to death! "Christofori faciem die quacunque tueris, Illa nempe die non morte mala morieris." Saint Christophe has crossed the river. All night long he has marched against the stream. Like a rock his huge-limbed body stands above the water. On his shoulders is the Child, frail and heavy.

Formavit Deus hominem ex limo terrae et inspiravit in faciem ejus spiraculum vitae et factus est homo in animam viventem: ille enim spiritus, quam Deus spiravit, anima rationalis fuit, et PER EADEM FACTUS EST HOMO VIVENS, ET CONSQUENTER, ETIAM SENTIENS. "Aliud est ex VIII. Synodo Generali quae est Constantinopolitana IV. can. 11, qui sic habet. "De causa formali substantiali," § x.

Go and suffer, you who must suffer! You do not live to be happy. You live to fulfil my Law. Suffer; die. But be what you must be a Man." Christofori faciem die quaeunque tueris, Illa nempe die non morte mala morieris. The house was plunged in silence. Since Melchior's death everything seemed dead.

If I have succeeded in effacing the features of a brute, and putting those of a man in their place, we might be entitled to say that the sun of Proteus has risen to our museums: Unius hic faciem, facies transformat in omnes; Nunc homo, nunc tigris; nunc equa, nunc mulier.

But happily not till the end of the sermon I became aware, just in front of me, of a row of smartest Paris bonnets, net-lace shawls, brocades, and satins, fit for duchesses; and as the centre of each blaze of finery 'offam non faciem, as old Ammianus Marcellinus has it the unmistakable visage of a Chinese woman.

If the surface is the mirror, it must be of no consequence to the 'essence' of the mirror what may be found behind this surface, since what is behind it does not affect the 'essence' that is before it, id est, the surface, quae super faciem est, quia vocatur superficies, facies ea quae supra videtur. Do you admit that or do you not admit it?"

There are who have drawn good and sound teeth to make their voices more soft and sweet, or to place the other teeth in better order. How many examples of the contempt of pain have we in that sex? What can they not do, what do they fear to do, for never so little hope of an addition to their beauty? "Vallere queis cura est albos a stirpe capillos, Et faciem, dempta pelle, referre novam."