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Are the line followed and the places visited engraved on her memory from the first? The Red Ant does not lend herself to the tests that might furnish the reply: the experimenter is unable to decide whether the path followed by the expeditionary column is being covered for the first time, nor is it in his power to compel the legion to adopt this or that different road.

No foreign experimenter has succeeded in repeating the experiments, while in France many physicists have failed; and hence the question has much agitated public opinion. Are we face to face with a very singular case of suggestion, or is special training and particular dispositions required to make the phenomenon apparent?

A curious, an erudite artist, certainly, he is to some extent an experimenter in rhyme or metre, often hazardous. But in spite of the dramatic rudeness which is sometimes of the idiosyncrasy, the true and native colour of his multitudinous dramatis personae, or monologists, Mr.

Already the electrical specialist, no more an original experimenter or investigator than the average physician is, has become professional. He makes plans, submits facts, estimates cost, and states results with almost certainty. ELECTRICITY AS AN INDUSTRY. Immense factories are now devoted to the manufacture of electrical goods exclusively. Large establishments in cities are filled with them.

But a day came when, venturing to some height, the aviator encountered a strong and gusty wind; whereupon one of his main-planes broke, and he fell to his death. As a contrast to this tragedy, and a welcome one, there is a humorous story, that is true, told of one experimenter.

"What is your reason for that?" asked Fowler. "Because I am a scientist in my sympathies. I believe in the methods of the chemist and the electrician. I prefer the experimenter to the theorist. I like the calm, clear, concise statements of these European savans, who approach the subject, not as bereaved persons, but as biologists.

'Down she comes, sir! down she comes! says the experimenter: 'mind your head, sir! and the deluded patient falls on the platform, as he imagines that the moon is coming down upon him. These instances will be sufficient for our purpose. We have given them as fair average examples of many others.

Julius took to backing into the chosen box so that he could face the experimenter. He would then, after a period of hesitation, come out and promptly enter one of the other boxes. This tendency was apparently due to the fact that during one or two series the experimenter growled at the orang utan every time he made a mistake. The growl startled him and caused him to look around.

Since there was at this time no mechanism for locking them when closed, it was difficult for the experimenter to prevent him from escaping by way of the entrance door or from raising the exit door sufficiently to obtain the food.

These coatings are merely used to enable me to perform two experiments with the tube namely, to produce the effect desired either by direct connection of the body of the experimenter or of another body to the wire w, or by acting inductively through the glass.