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He meets men there who'll be useful to him later, and he keeps himself in touch with what's going on while he's studying for his profession. The town-birds such as the chemist's assistant, clerk, plumber, mechanic, electrician, and so forth generally put in for their town Volunteer corps as soon as they begin to walk out with the girls. They like takin' their true-loves to our restaurants.

"Is it possible that you can be Watson Balfour, the celebrated English electrician, who is supposed to have been lost at sea some years ago?" Again the man smiled and made a sign of assent. For a moment Cabot stared, well nigh speechless with the wonder and excitement of this discovery. Then he broke into a torrent of exclamations and questions. "Why, Mr.

I have been with the Cable Company at their New York experimental station for some years, and the other day the General Manager called me into his office and told me I was expected to take the position of electrician here. I thought it might add to my experience, so I accepted." "Humph! Did he say anything about the general liveliness of things around the station?" Mr. Hazeltine laughed.

We had been dropping rapidly toward the mountains, and the electrician in charge of the car was swiftly and constantly changing his potential, and, like a pilot who feels his way into an unknown harbor, endeavoring to approach the moon in such a manner that no hidden peril should surprise us.

It was said that a certain king of Yaque, sometime in the course of the Punic Wars, had thrown himself from this observatory in a rage because his court electrician had died, but how true this may be it is impossible to say because so little is known about electricity. Below the building lay quite the most wonderful part of the king's palace.

After a few weeks' enforced idleness, during which he was lost sight of by the comrades, he reappeared one evening at a group meeting held at our office, and informed us that he was taken on as electrician at the Monico. Ten days had now passed since I last saw him, and my expression was eloquent of my amazement at his unexpected appearance.

But just then Dan came a serious young man with a ready-made necktie, who had escaped the city's brand of frivolity an electrician earning 30 dollars per week who looked upon Lou with the sad eyes of Romeo, and thought her embroidered waist a web in which any fly should delight to be caught. "My friend, Mr. Owens shake hands with Miss Danforth," said Lou.

The great field of chemistry enters into the discussion as perhaps having the solution of the question within its possibilities. The practical electrician acts upon facts which he knows are true without knowing their cause; empirically; and so far adheres to the molecular hypothesis.

Christophe could not bear him. He was more in sympathy with Sebastien Coquard, an electrician, who, with Joussier, was the speaker with the greatest following. He did not overburden himself with theories. He did not always know where he was going. But he did go straight ahead. He was very French.

"Are there any breaches of conduct to be reported, Whittam?" inquired the officer, halting. "Nothing worth mentioning, sir," replied the chief electrician. "I asked you, Whittam, whether there had been any breaches of conduct," retorted the officer with some asperity. "One midshipman, sir, after having been instructed to touch nothing, rested his hand on one of the brass rods." "His name?"