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While Eumolpus was thus ingag'd with Bargates, the cryer of the town, and some other officer, attended with a great concourse of people, entred the inn; and, shaking a smoaky rather than lighted torch he carried, mouths out this; viz. Not far from the cryer, stood Ascyltos, clad with a coat of many colours; who, to incourage any discoverer, held the reward in a silver charger before him.

And without more ado flung his fist in his face: The inn-keeper took up an earthen pitcher we so oft had empty'd, and sending it at Eumolpus, broke his forehead, and immediately ran down stairs: Eumolpus, impatient of revenge, snatching up a great wooden candlestick, made after him; and pouring his blows very thick on the inn-keeper, repair'd the injury with interest: This alarm'd the whole house, and whilst the rest of his guess, that by this time were most of 'em drunk; ran to see what was the matter, taking an opportunity to revenge the injury Eumolpus had offer'd me, I lock'd him out; and turning thus his trick upon himself, at once, enjoy'd the bed and board without a rival.

But, even here, Eumolpus returning to his old humour: "Young men," began he, "this poetry deceives many; for not only every one that is able to give a verse its numbers, and spin out his feble sence in a long train of words, has the vanity to think himself inspir'd; but pleaders at the bar, when they wou'd give themselves a loose from business, apply themselves to poetry, as an entertainment without trouble; believing it easier to compile a poem than maintain a controversie, adorn'd with a few florid sentences.

Eumolpus removed his helmet and wiped his brows; his close-curled hair and short beard, his noble Roman features and bright dark eye, attracted the general admiration. He was fresh, unwounded, unfatigued.

At that thought, and seeing that, his strength not being equal to the endurance of the Roman, everything depended on a sudden and desperate effort, he threw himself fiercely on Eumolpus; the Roman warily retreated Lydon thrust again Eumolpus drew himself aside the sword grazed his cuirass Lydon's breast was exposed the Roman plunged his sword through the joints of the armor, not meaning, however, to inflict a deep wound; Lydon, weak and exhausted, fell forward, fell right on the point: it passed through and through, even to the back.

Since we are yet to seek a way of escape, for no proposal has been made without an objection; see what I have thought on: The studious Eumolpus, I presume, never goes unfurnisht with ink; is there a better expedient, than washing our hands, face, and hair, with that, to appear like AEthiopian slaves? when without wringing our limbs, we can't but be merry, to act a cheat, that so nearly imposes on our enemies?"

Time would fail me to tell of their defence of their country against the invasion of Eumolpus and the Amazons, or of their defence of the Argives against the Cadmeians, or of the Heracleids against the Argives; besides, the poets have already declared in song to all mankind their glory, and therefore any commemoration of their deeds in prose which we might attempt would hold a second place.

We fixt our selves, as much out of the way as we could, under deck: and it being not yet day, Eumolpus fell a-sleep: I, and Gito, cou'd not take a wink: when reflecting afresh, that I had harbour'd in my acquaintance, a rival more powerful than Ascyltos; I began to be much troubled: but wisely allaying my grief, I thus reason'd with my self: Is it so troublesom to share what we love? when the best of nature's works are in common?

He was once bold enough to ask the assembled people, when he heard the sacred proclamation, why they excluded barbarians from the Mysteries, seeing that Eumolpus, the founder of them, was a barbarian from Thrace. When he once had a winter voyage to make, a friend asked how he liked the thought of being capsized and becoming food for fishes.

To this Eumolpus, "I'm not in the least apprehensive of your performance, nor that your stomach wou'd refuse the task, when to recompense one distasteful minute you promise ages of luxury. 'Tis but shutting your eyes, and supposing instead of man's flesh you were eating an hundred sesterces.