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Joined us the potent bonds of Faith and Creed; * We met as dearest fere greets dearest fere: He sued for interview whenas pursued * The spy, and blamed us envy's jibe and jeer: Then leave your chiding and from blame desist, * For fie upon you! not a word I'll hear. I care for naught that disappears and fleets; * My care's for Things nor fleet nor disappear.

Finally, the climax in her iniquities of mind and conduct reached its height and she was publicly denounced as a Supralapsarian. I doubt whether, at the present day, the coward's horror at the sight of courage, the politician's alarm at the sound of principle, or envy's utmost malignity would go so far as to call a woman that.

How detestably fortunate! to be a great English magnate, to be clever and handsome into the bargain, and, by way of finishing off, to enjoy your high favour! That's a man I could envy." Isabel considered him with interest. "You seem to me to be always envying some one. Yesterday it was the Pope; to-day it's poor Lord Warburton." "My envy's not dangerous; it wouldn't hurt a mouse.

And walling this trite Present with dark clouds, 'Till Night becomes our Nature; and the ray Ev'n of the stars, but meteors that withdraw The wandering spirit from the sluggish rest Which makes its proper bliss. I will accost This denizen of toil." From Eugene Aram, a MS. Tragedy. "A wicked hag, and envy's self excelling In mischiefe, for herself she only vext,

Declining an invitation to visit the stables, for our new millionaire is a lover of horse-flesh, as well as the narcotic weed and leaving that gentleman to 'witch the world with wondrous horsemanship, the 'Tattler' reporter withdrew, 'pierced through with Envy's venomed darts, and satisfied that his courtly entertainer had been 'more sinned against than sinning." Col.

He ran and jumped into the hole just as another man was going to take possession. By digger's law no party is allowed to occupy two holes. All that afternoon there was a mob looking down at George and Robinson picking out peas and beans of gold, and envy's satanic fire burned many a heart. These two were picking up at least a hundred pounds an hour.

"'Twere better," said Alminda, "to check thy fancy's flight, For thought can rob the happiest hours of all their deep delight." Then said the maid of Xerez, "To me thou showest plain Thou hast not felt black envy's tooth nor known what is disdain. To know it, would thy spirit move to pity my despair, Who writhe and die from agony, in which thou hast no share."

The scene is azure now with hues of Hope; Now sobered gray by Disappointment strange; With Love's own roses blushing, warm and bright; Black with Hate's heat, or white with Envy's cold; Made glorious by Religion's purple light; Or sicklied o'er with yellow lust of Gold; So, good or evil coming, peace or strife, Zeal when in youth, and Avarice when old, In changeful, chanceful phases passeth life.

The scene is azure now with hues of Hope; Now sobered gray by Disappointment strange; With Love's own roses blushing, warm and bright; Black with Hate's heat, or white with Envy's cold; Made glorious by Religion's purple light; Or sicklied o'er with yellow lust of Gold; So, good or evil coming, peace or strife, Zeal when in youth, and Avarice when old, In changeful, chanceful phases passeth life.

Fear nothing, Madam, I'll be near you still. Er. Pray stay a little longer. Alcip. My Face has Horror in't pale and disfigur'd, And lean as Envy's self My Eyes all bloody, and my hanging lids Like Midnight's mischief, hide the guilty Balls, And all about me calls me Murderer: Oh horrid Murderer!