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It was impossible for Peter not to associate the empressement of her manner with the few words which Andrea Korust had whispered into her ear at the moment of their introduction. "So you," she murmured, "are the wonderful Baron de Grost? I have heard of you so often." "Wonderful!" Peter repeated, with twinkling eyes. "I have never been called that before.

These respectable individuals who, if they saw you once in conversation with their chief, ever after bowed to you with the greatest empressement, were members of the secret police. As for the inhabitants of St. Meuse, they appeared to await the hour of their delivery with considerable philosophy.

He has left me to go to Brooks's, and perhaps to the Cockpit ; but as that is a compliment to the Minister rather than as a support of Government, he shewed no great empressement; nor could I inspire him with a zeal which I have not myself. This surrender of Lord Cornwallis seems to have put le comble a nos disgraces.

Legrand had been awaiting us in eager expectation. He grasped my hand with a nervous empressement, which alarmed me and strengthened the suspicions already entertained. His countenance was pale even to ghastliness, and his deep-set eyes glared with unnatural lustre.

She took the honored seat with a great air of empressement, nodded triumphantly to Gowan, cleared her throat, commanded strict silence, and began: "CHILCOMBE HALL. "I must write at once and tell you of the terrible things that have been happening at this school. On Monday last the cook made a mistake, and used a packet of rat poison instead of sugar in our pudding.

They both conducted me with much empressement to my bedroom, a very comfortable one, having a communication at one end with a corridor, and, on the right-hand side entering, another door communicating with my uncle's dressing-and bath-room, and these opening into their bedroom, which had a similar dressing-room on the other side fitted up with wardrobes for female gear, and dedicated to my aunt's sole use.

To the duke and to the marquis, of course, since they were the only persons who would know just how much to conceal, and just how much to disclose. They began their task immediately, with an empressement which could not fail to silence all doubts, in case any existed in the minds of their subordinates. But who could be suspicious?

I was a man of too direct and earnest a temperament to establish a claim, in reasonable degree, to either of these characteristics. I was, accordingly, something blunt in my address the tones of my voice were loud my manner was all empressement, except when I was actually angry, and then it was cold. hard, dry, inflexible. I was the last person in the world to pass for an amiable.

"I am sorry I was not at the Foreign Office when you called to-day. Welcome back to England, home and beauty." He laughed in a rather mirthless way, but with a certain empressement, conscious, as he always was, of the onlookers. "You have had a busy time in Egypt?" he continued cheerfully, and laughed again.

They had all stood within five feet of her, and Boyne had appropriated one of the prettiest of the pretty bends which the gracious young creature made to right and left, and had responded to it with an 'empressement' which he hoped had not been a sacrifice of his republican principles.