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The honest Count, however, "after ripe consideration," decidedly preferred the maid to the widow. "I confess," he said, with much gravity, "that the marriage with the old Electress, in respect of her God-fearing disposition, her piety, her virtue, and the like, would be much more advisable.

From this time on the prince and the poet holds everything as possible and is ready to sacrifice even the hand of the beloved for his life. It is now plainly understood that the prince can name among the dear ones who appear to him the elector and the electress, that is his mother, but not the third, who is merely a split-off from the latter, at bottom identical with her.

The young count had offered the Princess his arm, which with a slight blush she had accepted. The Electress, who preceded them, was wholly absorbed in conversation with Count Adam Schwarzenberg, who by his witty, fascinating powers of address succeeded in enchaining her attention.

This treatise is dedicated to her Royal Highness the Princess Sophia, Electress, and Duchess Dowager of Brunswick, on which occasion that Princess, then in her 80th year, honoured her with the following epistle, written by the Electress in French, but which we shall here present to the reader in English. Hanover June 25, 1710.

It was a very long, confidential communication from the Electress to her beloved son. With closest attention the count read it twice, and then with great pains folded it up again. "It is just as I thought," he said softly to himself: "the Electress wishes the longer absence of her son.

Again the Stadtholder came out of the palace with hasty steps, flew to the Electress, and offered her his arm, to lead her into the palace. Nor need the two Princesses walk alone behind; they, too, have their knight young Count Schwarzenberg, who had received the Electress. He offered his arm to the Princess Charlotte Louise, which she accepted with a lovely smile and a becoming blush.

"You refuse, my son, to promise me that you will make amends for all the evil done by that wicked enemy of your house, your family, and your country?" "Dearest mother, I know not of whom you speak, and who it is that has burdened himself with so heinous a crime." With impulsive movement the Electress laid her hand upon his arm, and looked him steadily in the eye.

A marriage with the daughter of the widowed Electress of the Palatinate with the fair Ludovicka Hollandine." "That would indeed he a fine, plausible marriage!" cried the Elector, starting up. "A Princess of nothing, the daughter of an outlawed Prince, put under the ban by the Emperor!" "But this Prince was the Electress's brother.

I remember the birth of the King of England as well as if it were only yesterday . I was curious and mischievous. They had put a doll in a rosemary bush for the purpose of making me believe it was the child of which my aunt had just lain in; at the same moment I heard the cries of the Electress, who was then in the pains of childbirth.

In truth Kleist, like every other poet, chose the most of his material in accordance with unconscious wishes, where beyond all else the mother complex presses for poetic expression. Let us apply once more that which has been so far discovered to the "Prinz von Homburg." This is rendered yet more easy from the fact that the electress is repeatedly designated by the hero as "Mother."