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An Italian version which lies before me is entitled, Canzonetta nuova, sopra la Madonna, quando si partò in Egitto col Bambino Gesù e San Giuseppe, "A new Ballad of our Lady, when she fled into Egypt with the Child Jesus and St. Joseph." It begins with a conversation between the Virgin, who has just arrived from her long journey, and the gypsy-woman, who thus salutes her: And so the story ends.

This work, translated from the Danish, relates chiefly to the botany, metereology, soil and productions of Morocco; and on other topics it gives accurate and valuable information. Viaggio da Tripoli alto Frontiere dell' Egitto. 1817. P. Della Cella.

"The Gate of Brandeburg," "Margharita d' Anjou," "Esule di Granata," and "Almanzar" followed in quick succession, and were well received, though with nothing like the furor which "Il Crociato in Egitto" created in Venice in 1824. His next great work, "Robert le Diable," was produced in Paris, Nov. 21, 1831, the unparalleled success of which carried its fame to every part of the civilized world.

I should indeed be a great actress if at any time I could find a gesture expressing profound misery with such truth." Pasta's next remarkable impersonation was that of Armando in "Il Crociato in Egitto," written by Meyerbeer for Signor Velluti, the last of the race of male sopranos.

Madame Piccinelli, from Paris, who sang at one of our concerts, acts at the opera. Herr Pick, who danced at Vienna, is now dancing here. The opera is "Didone abbandonata," but it is not to be given much longer. Signor Piccini, who is writing the next opera, is here. I am told that the title is to be "Cesare in Egitto." Noble of Hohenthal and attached to the Exchequer. Milan, Feb. 10, 1770.

Once you said, as we were listening to the Prayer in Mose in Egitto, 'For some it is the monotony of a single note; for others, it is the infinite of sound. Remember that I am expecting you this evening to take me to Mme. de Beauseant's ball.

Passing over "Armida," written for the opening of the new San Carlo at Naples, "Adelaida di Borgogna," for the Roman Carnival of 1817, and "Adina," for a Lisbon theatre, we come to a work which is one of Rossini's most solid claims on musical immortality, "Mosé in Egitto," first produced at the San Carlo, Naples, in 1818.

Enthusiasm of the Critics and the Public. Introduction of Pasta to the English Public in Rossini's "Otello." The Impression made in England. Recognized as the Greatest Dramatic Prima Donna in the World. Glances at the Salient Facts of her English Career. The Performance of "Il Crociato in Egitto." She plays the Male Rôle in "Otello." Rivalry with Malibran and Sontag.

My fate was sealed; and, as the organ pealed forth the grand prayer from Mose in Egitto for the exodus of the congregation, and I slowly paced down the aisle after my enchantress, my soul expanded into a very heaven of adoration and love! "With what a leaden and retarding weight, Does expectation load the wing of time!"

"Fezzen è similmente una grande abitazione, nella quale sono di grossi castelli e di gran casali, tutti abitati da un ricco popolo si di possessioni, como di danari; perciocchè sono ne' confini di Agadez e del diserto di Libia che confina con lo Egitto; ed è discosto dal Cairo circa a sessanta giornate; pel diserto altra abitazione si truova, che Augela che' é nel diserto di Libia.