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She went out very little; for on the one or two occasions on which she had shown herself to former friends she noticed a distinct difference in their manner, as though they should say, 'Ah, my happy swain's wife; you're caught! Edmond's letters were as affectionate as ever; even more affectionate, after a while, than hers were to him.

Then Edmond Greisse had come to Colmar, and brought the first rumour of Adrian Urmand's proposal of marriage. The reader will perhaps remember that George, when he heard this first rumour, had at once made up his mind to go over to Granpere, and that he went. He went to Granpere partly believing, and partly disbelieving Edmond's story.

"Leave it to me; I'll send you home to-night with a mind at rest." When they passed into the dining room Henriette was struck by Edmond's delicate beauty, never having seen him before. She eyed him with the pleasure she would have felt in looking at a pretty toy. Could it be possible that that boy had served in the army? and how could they have been so cruel as to break his arm?

M. Desmalions, who was gradually resuming toward Don Luis his courteous attitude of the day before, read it, reflected a moment, and put this question to Mme. Fauville: "What was your son Edmond's age?" "Seventeen." "You look so young " "Edmond was not my son, but my stepson, the son of my husband by his first wife, who died," "Ah!

This and some dried fruits and a flask of Monte Pulciano, was the bill of fare. Dantes went on, looking from time to time behind and around about him. Having reached the summit of a rock, he saw, a thousand feet beneath him, his companions, whom Jacopo had rejoined, and who were all busy preparing the repast which Edmond's skill as a marksman had augmented with a capital dish.

Scarcely, however, had he touched Edmond's hand than he felt he had done all he could do, and rushed hastily out of the house. "Oh," he exclaimed, running furiously and tearing his hair "Oh, who will deliver me from this man? Wretched wretched that I am!" "Hallo, Catalan! Hallo, Fernand! where are you running to?" exclaimed a voice.

He calmly raised his light brown eyes, as the three presented themselves before him, and Stephen explained in a few words Edmond's request. "Indeed!" said Roland, still continuing to smoke and quickly turning his searching glance from Edmond; "have a little patience, until I give you my answer, we do nothing without higher counsel, and I have not been thus blessed.

"I will let you know that directly I have seen M. de Villefort, whom I shall endeavor to interest in Edmond's favor. I am aware he is a furious royalist; but, in spite of that, and of his being king's attorney, he is a man like ourselves, and I fancy not a bad sort of one." "Perhaps not," replied Danglars; "but I hear that he is ambitious, and that's rather against him."

Edmond's hair stood on end, and he rose to his knees. "Ah," said he, "I hear a human voice." Edmond had not heard any one speak save his jailer for four or five years; and a jailer is no man to a prisoner he is a living door, a barrier of flesh and blood adding strength to restraints of oak and iron. "In the name of heaven," cried Dantes, "speak again, though the sound of your voice terrifies me.

What was Edmond's surprise, when among the fraternity he recognized two noblemen, whom he had formerly met many times at Nismes, and who had sunk into universal contempt on account of their frivolity and bad conduct.