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Making all due allowances for the prospects of advance in minimising the resistance of the atmosphere, it must nevertheless be remembered that any wireless system will be called upon to compete with improved means of conveying the electric current along metallic circuits. Electrical science, moreover, is only at the commencement of its work in economising the cost of power-cables.

The improvement is shown more conclusively in the increased commonness of vigorous and active old age, in the multitude of new contrivances for economising and therefore increasing time, in the far greater intensity of life both in the forms of work and in the forms of pleasure.

By economising each crop in this way, we shall soon have seeds enough to cover any extent of land." "May I request you, Master Ernest, to draw a conclusion from that as regards sowing the seeds of a future career?"

But two things are evident, and they ought to be noted: The volume of tone, of pure tone, which Chopin was capable of producing was by no means inconsiderable; he had learnt the art of economising his means so as to cover his shortcomings.

His character altogether might be said to have been a negative one, as the only speciality for which he was particularly distinguished was for the variety of intonation and meaning which he could give to his two favourite exclamations, "Yaas," and "Bai-ey Je-ove!" thus economising his conversational powers to a considerable extent, which was a great advantage for him and others, too, as he might, you know, have had little more to say.

One of the peculiarities of the life of these ascendant families of the industrial class to which wealth has come, is its tremendous insulations. There were no customs of intercourse in the Five Towns. All the isolated prosperities of the district sprang from economising, hard driven homes, in which there was neither time nor means for hospitality.