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A saucy drummer-boy, who neglected this precaution, received a cuff from Abe's heavy hand that thrilled the rest of the drum-corps with delight. When Abe's wrath subsided from this ebullient stage back to its customary one of simmer, Kent ventured to return. "Say," said he, pulling over the coats and blankets near the fire, "where's the canteen?" "There it is by the cups. Can't you see it?

There was no winning by peace along that vast northern line from the Black to the North Sea, at the most vital spot of which an unlucky physical geography makes Italy easily invadable and rather hard to defend. Negotiations would not work here, since there was no union to negotiate with; only ebullient German tribes whose game was raiding and whose trade plunder.

When animal spirits were ebullient in him, he regarded his election in the light of a vulgar practical joke; when the philosophic mood was upon him he turned from all thought of it as from the smell of a dirty kitchen coming through a grating. During the first session Mike was hampered and inconvenienced by the forms of the House; in the second, he began to weary of its routine.

Some time before his cousin's letter arrived, he had been taken with a craze for English poetry, and, but for the corrective influence of a favourite tutor would probably have thrown himself into it with the same exclusive passion as he had shown for subject after subject in his eager ebullient childhood.

Crude blendings and faulty lines were pointed out, then touched into harmony and more accurate perspective by her quick skill. Together their eyes watched shades dance on sunny slopes, cloud shadows race among the hills or lie lazily in the valley below. "Exuberant Nature and ebullient boy loved each other from the first. Alone, enravished, he often wandered far in sheer joy of living.

And Jack found the phrase soothing whenever she uttered it, and plunged straightway into further revelations of his ebullient past. "I suppose," he ventured, when he could think of nothing more to tell and so came back to the starting point, "I ought to beat it outa here while the beating's good. I can't go back on account of mother. I could hotfoot it up to Canada, maybe...." "Don't you do it!"

Margaret Fuller the Miranda, Zenobia, Hypatia, Minerva of her time, and a truly remarkable figure in the gallery of wonderful women edited it for two years, and contributed many a vivid, dashing, exuberant, ebullient page.

He has a fine understanding: oftentimes his commentaries on the past are ebullient with subtlety; and his fault strikes us as lying even in the excess of his sagacity applying itself too often to a basis of facts, quite insufficient for supporting the superincumbent weight of his speculations. But in this instance he surrenders himself too readily to the ordinary current of history.

Then with all the forty-eight lusty, ebullient years of his life snatched from his lips like an untasted cup, and one single noxious, death-flavored second urged, forced, crammed down his choking throat, he felt the great car quicken and start. "God!" said the Senior Surgeon. Just "God!" The God of mud, he meant! The God of brackish grass!

These pains in the head and back were becoming unbearable. Nothing but rest could avail him now. He stretched himself under the mosquito curtain. It was very still, breathless, hot! The venomous insects were thick; they filled the room with a continuous ebullient sound, as if invisible kettles were boiling overhead. A sign of storm.... Still, it was strange! he could not perspire ...