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And then, the following week, came David Dyson and his son Joseph, and to all the visitors Toby, with vast pride, exhibited his wonderful silver fox pelt. "'Tis a fine silver!" exclaimed Aaron, holding it up and shaking out its glossy fur that he might admire its sheen. "'Tis the finest silver ever caught in these parts! You'll be gettin' a fine price for he, Toby."

Mr. Littlewood, believing erroneously that Mrs. Dyson had already left the country, told Peace that he should direct all his attention to asking forgiveness of his Maker. At the close of their interview Peace was lifted into bed and, turning his face to the wall, wept. Tuesday, February 25, was the day fixed for the execution of Peace.

Dyson was specially successful with boys, and that there was an 'awakening' among some of the lowest and roughest of the Clough End lads. 'He ha sich a way wi un, said a much-stirred mother to Reuben Grieve, meeting him one day in the street, 'he do seem to melt your varra marrow.

And when Cuthbert accompanied Jacob to his home, Abraham Dyson could fill up all the blank in his son's story, and was secretly not a little pleased with Cuthbert's keen intelligence and ready interest. The Dysons were merchants in a small way of business, but were thriving and thrifty folks.

According to Peace's story he was a slighted lover who had been treated by Mrs. Dyson with contumely and ingratitude.

"I crave my lady's pardon for being late with it; but my niece from London has but just arrived, and I was hindered for the moment. "Cherry, wait here till I return, and then I will speak more with thee." Dyson hurried away with the posset, and the two girls stood gazing at each other, a light of welcome and amaze in both their eyes. "Cherry! did she call thee Cherry? and from London, too?

"From Prudence Dyson." "Prudence at the Cross Way House? And what says she? it is long since we had news of her." "So long that I had almost forgot where she was: and I marvel she should trouble us thus. Thy daughters are not serving wenches, Martin. What can Prudence be thinking of?" Martin smiled slightly.

Presently, with the help of a kind stranger on my right, who was occasionally making shorthand notes, I got a few bearings. And there was the Government side. He pointed out Barrington and Weymouth and Jerry Dyson and Sandwich, and Rigby in the court suit of purple velvet with the sword thrust through the pocket. I took them all in, as some of the worst enemies my country had in Britain.

Dyson always seem to be looking at him? flinging at him all these scathing words about farming people's sins and follies? He was shaken and excited. Oratory, of any sort, never failed to stir him extraordinarily. Once even he would have jumped up to speak, but Tom Mullins's watchful hand closed on his arm. Davy shook it off angrily, but was perforce reminded of his promise. And Mr.

There was no question that on one occasion Peace and Mrs. Dyson had been photographed together, that he had given her a ring, and that he had been in the habit of going to music halls and public-houses with Mrs. Dyson, who was a woman of intemperate habits. Peace had introduced Mrs.