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The stakes were so high that Owen trembled for his small stock of wealth? but to his astonishment again, he found himself, at the end of the evening, a gainer of nearly five pounds, although he had been most moderate in his own stakes. He was struck with the eagerness of Madame Duvet and Netta, who entered into the game with all the avidity of accomplished gamblers.

His school blouse hung on the back, the knickerbockers were carefully folded, and the black belt lay coiled in a circle on his coat and what he termed his 'westkit. Beneath the chair the little pair of very dirty boots stood side by side. Mother stooped and kissed the round plush-covered head that just emerged from below the mountainous duvet.

Oh well, we could soon think of some name beginning with a W Walters, Waddilove Waddilove is a delicious name in cold weather, suggesting cotton-wool or a warm duvet or Wilson or Wilberforce. But I'm afraid the staff Rose Mullet and Lily Steynes and the amorous Bertie Adams would think it odd, put two and two together, and guess right. Warren, after all, is such a common name.

With best love to mother, I am, your affectionate son, OWEN. That day at luncheon Owen announced his intention of leaving Abertewey the following morning. 'To see the fair lady who wrote that neat note? said Howel. 'Probably so, replied Owen. 'Where are you going? We shall miss you dreadfully, said Madame Duvet, with an entreating glance.

Duvet to the seat next her, on her left; whilst on her right sat Mr Deep, and nigh to him, of all people in the world, Mrs Rice Rice, that staunch supporter of family dignity. Owen shook hands with Aunt 'Lizbeth, and introduced her to Madame Duvet and Mr Deep, after having asked them first of all whether they had seen her previously. 'I never had that honour, said Madame Duvet, curtseying.

Duvet let you pay her such attention? was Netta's instant reply. Now Netta was too well pleased with herself, and the effect of her beauty on others, to endure being snubbed, and was very angry that Howel was not pleased also. 'Don't be a fool, Netta. You know Madame Duvet is doing all she can to catch Owen. 'Oh! jealous are you?

'Then you must like Netta, said Owen; 'for there was never any one of our family the least like her. 'Oh yes! you are, about the eyes. Malin! said Madame Duvet. After breakfast, Owen tried to get Netta a little to himself, but there were distant calls to make, and drives and rides to be arranged, which caused him to be unsuccessful in his efforts.

His racers, hunters, hounds, and good dinners were points of union to all the sporting men of the county; and Captain Dancy, Mr Deep, Sir Samuel Spendall, the Simpsons, Madame Duvet, and many others, again adorned Plas Abertewey.

'Not even of the old place where we used to steal lollilops? asked Owen, maliciously. Howel turned away for fear of being overheard, and devoted himself quite as much to Madame Duvet, as Captain Dancy still did to Netta; and Owen wondered on.

'Well, he thought; 'I am not as particular as I ought to be, I know, myself; but to play cards into Sunday morning! I could not do this. What would my poor mother say of Netta if she knew it? I will have a serious conversation with her to-morrow, when I suppose she will have an hour to spare, and be off on Monday. I almost wish I had never come. That Madame Duvet, too!