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She and Mr Deep made themselves more agreeable than she had supposed it possible for such grand people to be, and she frequently glanced at Owen, as much as to say, 'And I am the person that your father turned out of doors! Owen, on his side, was sorry that he had exposed her to the sarcasm that she so little understood, and talked to Madame Duvet to withdraw attention from her.

Her head was quite turned, and nothing but the consciousness that Howel was present kept it on her shoulders at all; but the fear of a lecture for some mistake in manners kept her so much on her guard, that she got through the evening wonderfully, and achieved what Mme. Duvet called un grand succès.

When he knew that he was within a few shillings of bankruptcy he said, 'I am very sorry to leave such agreeable society, but if I play any more I shall never get to sea. Look at my purse! holding it up and shaking it, 'it is very nearly empty. 'Luck will change, said Madame Duvet. 'You shall go partners with me, pointing to a large heap of money and counters.

He longed very much to knock down one of the 'Jeames's, who would stand gazing at him, and did so far betray his indignation, as to ask him, when he came behind his chair, whether he saw anything remarkable in his appearance, which so amused Madame Duvet, that she exclaimed 'Charmant! brava! you make me crêver de rire. Owen was astonished at everything, but at nothing so much as at his sister.

Simpson says that the races couldn't go on without him. 'I should think not, said Owen, smiling; 'at all events, Mr Simpson's races would be at a stand still without him. Did you, did Howel play much abroad? 'Yes, I learned from Madame Duvet? and I think Howel and Mr Deep and the other gentlemen used to play all day. You know they have nothing else to do in Paris.

Some of the young men stayed to dinner, and when Miss Simpson had duly played her waltzes, and Netta had gone through her French songs, vingt-et-un was proposed. Owen took his customary place by Madame Duvet, and played his usual game. But he had not the luck of the previous evening, and soon lost the five pounds he then won, and very nearly the little he possessed besides.

But he contented himself with saying, 'Rowly's a capital fellow, Netta, fach, and doing his best. Whether he's a fashionable preacher or not I don't know, but he kept us all awake at Llanfach one Sunday for half-an-hour, which is something. 'Your brother is so amusing! so naïf! I die of him! said Madame Duvet. 'Very original! remarked Miss Simpson; 'I do like originality

Howel had ordered his valet to see that 'Captain Prothero' was properly dressed; and, accordingly, Owen was obliged to put on a smart waistcoat and tie belonging to Howel, which greatly embellished his outer man, and gave him increased favour in the eyes of Madame Duvet and Miss Simpson. He was more astounded than ever when he saw his sister in her evening costume.

'I fear we must all leave on Tuesday or Wednesday, said Miss Simpson: 'at least if you still intend going to London with us, Madame Duvet. I have had a letter from home, positively refusing any further extension of leave, and my brother promises to return with me. 'We may as well all go together, then, said Captain Dancy, 'as I must be in town this week; and Deep goes up on Tuesday.

"I allow that the duvet is not so convenient as blankets, and that there is a watershed always up the middle of your bed, so that during the night your person descends to one side while the duvet rolls down the other; but it is German, which makes up for any trifling inconvenience. Baireuth, too; perhaps it will strike you as a dull and stinking little town, and so I dare say it is.