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While Conrad Marais was standing close to the hind-wheels of one of the waggons, watching for a good shot at a Kafir outside, who was dodging about for the double purpose of baulking Conrad's intention and thrusting an assagai into him, another active Kafir had clambered unobserved on the tilt of the waggon and was in the very act of leaning over to thrust his spear into the back of the Dutchman's neck when he was observed by Stephen Orpin, who chanced to be reloading his gun at the moment.

We did this because it was nearer, as they said, and also in order to go to a young Dutchman's and secure good lodgings, of which we were truly in want. The other road led to Piskatteway to Mr.

It was very strange; for the book was not of a kind that any of the servants would be likely to take. I had to come back and explain to the others that I could not find it. When Doctor Winchester had gone, Mr. Corbeck, who seemed to know the Dutchman's work by heart, talked the whole matter over with me.

After living for a time with his young wife, Rebecca Bryan, in a cabin in his father's yard, Daniel built a home of his own upon a tract of land, purchased from his father on October 12, 1759, and lying on Sugar Tree, a tributary of Dutchman's Creek.

"They're occupied by two sick men, one drunk hear him snore? and one she-goat which is kidding." "Huh?" Tim snorted, suspiciously. "I think ye're the one that's kiddin', Cap." "Not a bit. I looked. The last room on this side is the Dutchman's, and these are ours. Take your pick. They're all alike." Knowlton stepped to the nearest and looked in. For a moment he said no word.

With fifty men I'd have held this place against a thousand Boers, and not ten men'd join. We haven't got the rifles. Every Dutchman's armed, and how many rifles will you find among the English? And who's fault's that? I've left my property in the Free State, and odds are I shall lose every penny I've got what part? all over and come here on to British soil, and what do I find?

"Near us stood a house occupied by a miller, and we had been told that a tide-mill which he attended was in the immediate vicinity, as a landing-place for which the wharf where we stood had been erected. * It was designated by the prisoners by the appellation of the 'Old Dutchman's, and its very walls were viewed by us with feelings of veneration, as we had been told that the amiable daughter of its owner had kept an accurate account of the number of bodies that had been brought on shore for interment from the Jersey and hospital ships.

The Dutchman's master, purple in the face, stood forward to beard the pirate, followed closely by an elegant, pale-faced young gentleman in whom Levasseur recognized his brother-in-law elect. "Captain Levasseur, this is an outrage for which you shall be made to answer. What do you seek aboard my ship?" "At first I sought only that which belongs to me, something of which I am being robbed.

These began firing now on the raiders from windows and doors and the corners of buildings. Craddock sent three of his men charging against this force, now become more courageous and dangerous, and with two at his side, one of whom was the Dutchman, he came riding over to investigate Morgan's situation. Morgan could see the Dutchman's face as he spurred on ahead of the others.

So, as the Yankton man came close, swinging his arms about like the fans of the Dutchman's windmill, the dog went forward to meet him, his hair on end, his eyes shifting treacherously, his teeth showing in an ugly white seam, all the wolf blood in him roused. The teacher halted when he saw him and called back to the scholars, now crowding about the door. "Bring my pointer," he cried.