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It is not that they love flattery, but that they need approbation as a counterpoise to the dark moments of self-abasement and as a sustaining aid for higher flights. Many years ago I was present at a final sitting which my master, Carolus Duran, gave to one of my fair compatriots.

ABBEY, EDWIN AUSTIN. Born at Philadelphia, April 1, 1852; educated at Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts; went to England, 1878, and has since made that his home. SARGENT, JOHN SINGER. Born at Florence, Italy, 1856; studied under Carolus Duran; has made England his home; Royal Academician, 1891; National Academician, 1897.

"When we dropped anchor off Guayaquil half a dozen skippers from other steamers came on board to warn our skipper not to let any of his crew or officers go ashore except the ones he wanted to lose. A launch came off for me from Duran, which is on the other side of the river and is the terminal of the railroad.

Mademoiselle, if you would but have your portrait painted as you are, with your hand on the post, by Sargent or Carolus Duran, there would be some noise in the Salon." "Is that you, Vicomte?" came a voice from the foot of the stairs Mrs. Holt's voice. "I come this instant, Madame," he replied, looking over the banisters, and added: "malheureux que je suis!

The padre said he had had no notice of the governor's coming, and therefore did the best he could. But Presidente Duran took the bold position of informing the governor, in reply to a query, that the government had no claim whatever upon the hospitality of unsecularized Missions. J.M. Ramirez was appointed comisionado at Santa Inés. At this time the Mission was prosperous.

The present Hôtel de Ville, by Ballu and Deperthes, completed in 1882, is one of the finest modern edifices in Europe, and contains some of the most important productions of contemporary French painters and sculptors: Puvis de Chavannes, Carolus Duran, Benjamin Constant, Jean Paul Laurens, Carrière Dalou, Chapu and others. We pass to the E. of the Hôtel, where stands the church of St.

Poynter and of M. Legros, at Slade School, University College, London; also of Carolus Duran and Henner in Paris. Lady Stanley has exhibited at the Royal Academy, the new Gallery, at the English provincial exhibitions, and at the Salon, Paris. Her picture, "His First Offence," is in the Tate National Gallery; "Leap Frog," in the National Gallery of Natal, Pietermaritzburg.

Thus they indirectly taught him disobedience, which he was learning fast enough without such assistance. In this way did these parents, with cruel kindness, help on the ruin of their child! Charles Duran, with all his faults, was a bright, active boy. What he needed was training, parental training.

I had seen the change coming bit by bit and its defence elaborated by young men fresh from the Paris art- schools. 'We must paint what is in front of us, or 'A man must be of his own time, they would say, and if I spoke of Blake or Rossetti they would point out his bad drawing and tell me to admire Carolus Duran and Bastien-Lepage.

In an altogether exceptional degree does he give us the sense that the intention and the art of carrying it out are for him one and the same thing. In the brilliant portrait of Carolus Duran, which he was speedily and strikingly to surpass, he gave almost the full measure of this admirable peculiarity, that perception with him is already by itself a kind of execution.