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She was leaving Dorothy to Anthony so that Anthony might leave Michael and Nicholas to her. "You might just as well say," Frances said, "that I'm in love with John-John. Poor little Don-Don!" "I might," said Louie, "just as well." Grannie said she was sure she didn't understand what they were talking about and that Louie had some very queer ideas in her head.

She was going to be wiser with Don-Don than she had been with Nicky. She would be wiser with Michael when he came back from Germany. She would keep them both out of the Vortex, the horrible Vortex that Lawrence Stephen and Vera had let Nicky in for, the Vortex that seized on youth and forced it into a corrupt maturity.

Instead of running away and playing with Don-Don, Ronny went away by herself into the apple-tree house, to wait for Nicky. The apple-tree house stood on the grass-plot at the far end of the kitchen garden. The apple-tree had had no apples on it for years.

As for the little girls, they get by themselves, and either play at hand-ball, or form into circles to play at some round game, accompanied by song. Indescribably soft and sweet the chorus of those little voices in the round: Kango-kango sho-ya, Naka yoni sho-ya, Don-don to kunde Jizo-San no midzu wo Matsuba no midzu irete, Makkuri kadso.

"Don-don," replied the small person nonchalantly, as if the point was quite immaterial, looking the porter calmly and straight in the eyes unflinchingly, without turning a hair as the saying goes. Jupp had never come across such a self-possessed young mannikin in his life before. Why, he might have been the station-master or traffic- manager, he appeared so much at his ease!

If he had kept Jerry's weight down Boris couldn't have caught him. "Daddy said so, Mummy." Over and over again Frances said, "It wasn't your fault. It was Don-Don's. He left the door open. Surely you can forgive Don-Don?" Over and over again Nicky said, "I do forgive him." But it was no good. Nicky became first supernaturally subdued and gentle, then ill.

John had acquired a sudden remarkable maturity. He shone on each member of his family with benevolence and affection, as if he were its protector and consoler, and about to confer on it some tremendous benefit. "Look at Don-Don," Michael said. "The bloodthirsty little brute. He's positively enjoying the War." "You might leave me alone," said Don-Don. "I shan't have it to enjoy for long."

Vereker climbed the tree of Heaven was it possible that Mr. Vereker had ever climbed that tree? the day when Michael wouldn't go to the party Rosalind's birthday. Eight candles burning for Rosalind. Why, it was nineteen years ago. Don-Don was a baby then, and Michael and Nicky were only little boys. And look at them now!

It's nice having a mother who can choose clothes. You should see the last blouse Mrs. Jervis got for Rosalind. She's burst out of all the seams already. You could have heard her doing it. Much love to you and Daddy and Don-Don. I can't send any to Mr. Parsons now my hair's up. But you might tell him I'm going in strong for Sociology and Economics. Your loving DOROTHY.

You can't have him." "But I want him." "Can't be helped. You must do without him." "Will he be very long?" "Yes, ever so long. Run away like a good little girl and play with Don-Don." She knew that they told her to play with Don-Don, because she was a little girl. If only she could grow big quick and be the same age as Nicky.