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There is no such man, at the present time of day, to carry out strict orders, as the dogman was, and the chance of there being such a one again diminishes by very rapid process. Marmaduke, as a horse, was of equal quality, reasoning not about his orders, but about the way to do them.

Jellicorse played with his spectacles and his snuff-box for several minutes before he could make up his mind how to deal with the matter. The dogman could not go without any answer; and how was any good answer to be given in half an hour, at the utmost? A time had been when the lawyer studied curtness and precision under minds of abridgment in London.

His expression was melancholic, his manner depressed. He was leashed to a vile white dog, loathsomely fat, fiendishly ill-natured, gloatingly intractable toward his despised conductor. At a corner nearest to his apartment house the dogman turned down a side street, hoping for fewer witnesses to his ignominy. The surfeited beast waddled before him, panting with spleen and the labour of motion.

But you was the lucky man. How is Missis Telfair?" "S-h-h-h!" said the dogman, signalling the waiter; "give it a name." "Whiskey," said Jim. "Make it two," said the dogman. "She's well," he continued, after his chaser. "She refused to live anywhere but in New York, where she came from. We live in a flat. Every evening at six I take that dog out for a walk. It's Marcella's pet.

The dog scrambled after them, with an angry whine at such unusual language from his guardian. At the foot of Twenty-third Street the dogman led the way through swinging doors. "Last chance," said he. "Speak up." "Whiskey," said Jim. "Make it two," said the dogman. "I don't know," said the ranchman, "where I'll find the man I want to take charge of the Little Powder outfit.

They lined up at the bar. The dog fell asleep at their feet. "Whiskey," said Jim. "Make it two," said the dogman. "I thought about you," said Jim, "when I bought that wild land. I wished you was out there to help me with the stock." "Last Tuesday," said the dogman, "he bit me on the ankle because I asked for cream in my coffee. He always gets the cream." "You'd like Prairie View now," said Jim.

But if you have made up your mind to go, in spite of all remonstrance, you must be sure to come back to-night; and do please to see that the oysters are round, and have not got any of their lids up." The dogman knew well that he jeopardized his life in either half of the journey; no little in going, and tenfold as much in returning through the snows of night.

In return for all these benefits, how could the dogman, without being worse than a dog, go and say to his ladies that mischief was breeding between their heir and a poor girl who lived in a corner of their land?

"If you're going to be in the city for awhile we will " "No, sir-ee. I'm starting for home this evening on the 7.25. Like to stay longer, but I can't." "I'll walk down to the ferry with you," said the dogman. The dog had bound a leg each of Jim and the chair together, and had sunk into a comatose slumber. Jim stumbled, and the leash was slightly wrenched.

I telephones for the doctor, and when he comes Marcella says to me: 'Help me hold the poor dear while the doctor fixes his mouth. Oh, I hope he got no virus on any of his toofies when he bit you. Now what do you think of that?" "Does Missis Telfair " began Jim. "Oh, drop it," said the dogman. "Come again!" "Whiskey," said Jim. "Make it two," said the dogman. They walked on to the ferry.