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It was a fight of wills solely. "I can't do it," said Christopher doggedly. "You are only a boy, but I credit you with more common-sense and a better eye for business than many young men double your age. What displeases you in my offer? Where do you want it altered?" "I don't want it at all, Mr. Masters. I won't accept it. I don't think my reason matters at all.

"If I have spoken earlier in your widowhood than you approve, and it displeases you, I hope you will believe that I have always thought of you as a wife to be admired above any that I ever knew." "My husband loved me," she answered, drying her eyes, now almost calmly. She could not say she was displeased on his account, and when she looked up she saw that John Mortimer had his hat in his hand.

But do you not pretend that human wisdom is a gift from Heaven? In telling us that this wisdom displeases God, is but folly in His eyes, and that He wishes to confound it, you proclaim that your God is but the friend of unenlightened people, and that He makes to sensible people a fatal gift, for which this perfidious Tyrant promises to punish them cruelly some day.

The champagne has gone round, every eye is sparkling and every tongue is wagging. I find them intolerable; in conversation they are despotic; I do not know what displeases me more, their faults or their good qualities. Vanity so dominates their souls that between you and them the effort is reciprocal For them love is purely physical and every one knows that they do not shine.

This use of hypnotizing influence on men to bring them to a state of stupefaction is especially apparent in the proceedings of the Salvation Army, who employ new practices to which we are unaccustomed: trumpets, drums, songs, flags, costumes, marching, dancing, tears, and dramatic performances. But this only displeases us because these are new practices.

"Ah!" said the captain, "I begin to understand; the chevalier got angry." "Exactly. "'It was I who said it, and who repeat it, and if it displeases you, my name is Lafare, captain of the guards. 'And mine, Fargy, said a second voice. 'And mine, Ravanne, said the third.

In saying this wisdom displeases God, is but folly in his sight, and that he is pleased to confound it, you declare that your God is the friend only of ignorant people, and that he makes sensible people a fatal present for which this perfidious tyrant promises to punish them cruelly at some future day.

Does there exist in you, as in many women, a certain pride in self, a love of your own loveliness, a refinement of egoism which makes you shudder at the idea of belonging to another; is it the thought of resigning your own will and submitting to a superiority, though only of convention, which displeases you? You would seem to me a thousand times fairer for it.

She took a step forward, and bent over the still kneeling youth, fixing upon his a steady, penetrating gaze, as though she sought to read his inmost soul. "Tell me, Gilbert de Hers," she said, "do you truly desire peace between us?" "As I live," replied Gilbert, "yes!" "Do you desire it for the love of God, and because our enmity displeases Him?" "Yes."

The crowning infamy heaped upon her head will be a full page in the Sunday Blast 'Another Harpie Exposed' and it will come, Mrs. Rice, I am sure of it. Pratt fairly fawns before her now. She is his princess, his seeress, his chief jewel; but woe to her if she displeases him or fails to meet his requirements." "You appall me, Dr. Britt. Some one should at least warn her."