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Dinsmore said with mingled sternness and entreaty, hastily leading the way as he spoke to the little reception room opening from the other side of the hall, and closing the door against any chance intruder. Arthur complied, stating the case as briefly as possible, and laying strong emphasis upon the fact that there was reason to hope for, not spared life alone, but entire and permanent relief.

But it is well to remember that the children who were molded by "Elsie Dinsmore" are now grown up and can be detected voting warmly at every election. Many of them kicked over the traces long ago, but there are also many who are reading Harold Bell Wright today. They admire Henry Ford. They sit enthralled at the feet of Dr. John Roach Straton.

Dinsmore dropped his little girl's hand; and then he said, "I want you in the library, Elsie; come to me in half an hour." "Yes, papa, I will," she replied, looking a little frightened. "You need not be afraid," he said, in a tone of displeasure; "I am not going to hurt you." Elsie blushed and hung her head, but made no reply, and he turned away and left her.

Sophy, come here!" she called, and again the door opened and the owner of the blue eyes and flaxen ringlets a little girl about Elsie's age, came in, and moved slowly towards them, looking at the stranger in her sister's lap with a mingled expression of fun, curiosity, and bashfulness. "Come, Sophy, this is Elsie Dinsmore, whom you have so often wished to see," said Rose.

"How heavy it is!" she exclaimed, flushing and trembling with excitement, as she clasped the precious treasure. "Yes, the frame is of ebony and quite a massive one," said Mr. Dinsmore. "It looks like a shallow box with the mirror for a cover; but of course it isn't, as there is no way to get into it," observed the young girl, examining it closely.

"But that would not be my work, and this is," replied Elsie, still retaining the purse, loath to let it go. "Nonsense! what difference will that make to Miss Rose?" said Mrs. Dinsmore; and snatching it out of her hand, she gave it to Enna, saying, "There, my pet, you shall have it. Elsie is a naughty, mean, stingy girl, but she shan't plague you while your mamma's about."

So, if attacked by a rush at night, Sergeant Dinsmore will withdraw with his men to the house, and send up rockets that will be seen in Bantoc and at Fort Franklin. Then a column will be sent out to overtake and punish any brown rascals who may attack." "Have you seen any signs of the Moros lately, sir?" "No, Sergeant.

They were all laughing as at something very amusing, and after entering the room did nothing but sit or stand about laughing all the time; fairly shaking with laughter, laughing, laughing till the tears came into their eyes, and the older people joined in without in the least knowing the exciting cause of so much mirth. "Come, children, tell us the joke," said Mr. Dinsmore at length.

No one present thought it necessary to combat that idea, or show that it might be a mistaken one, since it seemed to afford some comfort to the boy. "We will hope for the best, Max; so do not let possibilities distress you," Mr. Dinsmore said kindly. "Come to the table now, and take some breakfast with us." "Thank you, sir; but I couldn't eat," returned Max brokenly.

"Better half, indeed! fie on you, Miss Dinsmore! have you so little regard for the honor of your sex as to own that the man is ever that? But I must tell you of the time when she sustained the aforesaid loss; and let me observe, sustained is really the proper very properest of words to express my meaning, for it was very far from crushing her.