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And he had only to look into her face to see that it was so. Hitherto nil desperandum had been a good working motto, but something told him it was useless in this case. He thrust on his hat and pulled out his watch. "Well," he said, "that settles it. I must say I can't see your point of view but that settles it.

He made it plain that he was engaged in a war against papistry, and he asked George White-field, then in America, for a motto. "Nil desperandum, Christo duce," said the preacher; and thus heartened, the little fleet set sail on its triumphant journey. At first sight the contest seemed unequal.

Industry, and the motto "nil desperandum" lived up to, and the watchword "thorough," and a torch of unsuspected genius, and "l'audace, toujours l'audace," and a man may go far in life. Mr. Humphrey Crewe possessed, as may have been surmised, a dash of all these gifts. The phrase, after all, would have fitted very few great men; genius is sure of itself, and seeks its peers.

If large portions of an organ, the lung, a kidney, parts of the liver, or the brain itself, may be lost by accident, and the patient still live, the physician is taught the lesson of nil desperandum, and that if possible to arrest disease of these organs before their total destruction, the prognosis and treatment thereby acquire new and more hopeful phases.

"Oh!" exclaimed Frobisher cheerfully, seeing that Drake was inclined to take a dismal view of things; "if we can get 'em ashore uninterfered with, I'll engage to deliver them to Kyong-Bah, or whatever the johnny's name is, safely enough. Nil desperandum, you know, skipper that's Latin for `You never know what you can do till you try'."

"Climb in there," Barbara said, handing the candle to the stranger, "and turn sharp to the right, and then to the left, and you will come to an iron door, which rises and falls like a portcullis. The handle is of no use, but on the ceiling you will see the motto, 'Nil desperandum, which you must take as counsel offered to yourself. Press the space in the centre of the D, and the door will open."

While they were toiling south, the ice-floe over which they were plodding was drifting more rapidly north. Nil desperandum must ever be the watchword of Arctic expeditions, and DeLong, saying nothing to the others of his discovery, changed slightly the course of his march and labored on. July 19 they reached an island hitherto unknown, which was thereupon named Bennett Island.

In this fleet sailed Theobold Wolfe Tone, true to his motto, nil desperandum, with two or three other refugees of less celebrity. The troops of General Hardi, however, were destined never to land. On the 12th of October, after tossing about for nearly a month in the German ocean and the North Atlantic, they appeared off the coast of Donegal, and stood in for Lough Swilly.

Industry, and the motto "nil desperandum" lived up to, and the watchword "thorough," and a torch of unsuspected genius, and "l'audace, toujours l'audace," and a man may go far in life. Mr. Humphrey Crewe possessed, as may have been surmised, a dash of all these gifts. The phrase, after all, would have fitted very few great men; genius is sure of itself, and seeks its peers.

As long as the ground was level his companion stuck on to admiration, but at length, coming to a rough part, his steed gave a bound over it, swerving on one side and shooting his rider, fortunately, into the middle of a bush, from which my father saw him struggling desperately to get free. Having caught the horse, my father pulled up. "Nil desperandum!