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"Double!" remarked Felix. "The figures are variously given. My estimate " "One in sixty. That shows you!" At this interruption of Derek's John frowned slightly. "What does it show you?" he said. Derek glanced at his grandmother. "Oh, nothing!" "Of course it shows you," exclaimed Sheila, "what a heartless great place it is.

Tryst set his cup down, stood up, and crossed his thick arms the swift movement from that stolid creature had in it something sinister; but he did not speak. "Do you like it, Bob?" "I'll not say what I feels, Mr. Derek; that's for me. What I does'll be for others, p'raps." And he lifted his strange, lowering eyes to Derek's.

Once he said: "It's all right, you know, my pet; concussion often takes two days." Two days with his eyes like that! The consolation was not so vivid as Felix might have wished; but she quite understood that he was doing his best to give it. She suddenly remembered that he had no room to sleep in. He must use Derek's. No! That, it appeared, was to be for her when she came off duty.

Leaning on Miss Lucilla's arm, she advanced a step and paused before Diane, who stood wide-eyed, and awe-struck rather than amazed, at the magnitude of this desertion. "May God forgive you, Diane," she said, quietly, passing on again. "I try to do so; but it's hard." While Derek's eyes were riveted on Diane, she stood staring vacantly at the empty doorway through which Mrs.

With a sense of putting his shoulder to some heavy weight and heaving at it, he sought to lift the conversation to a higher plane. "I came to find you!" he said; still huskily but not so huskily as before. There are degrees of huskiness, and Derek's was sharpened a little by a touch of irritation. "Yes?" said Jill. Derek was now fermenting.

This theme admitting of little discussion, Diane did not pursue it, but she went away from Waterwild with a deepened sense of Derek's need of her, as well as of Dorothea's. She could so easily have helped them both that the enforced impotence was a new element in her pain.

With the finality of this reply the brief conversation dropped, though the perception on Derek's part that it was not from her inability to carry it on stirred him to an unusual feeling of pique. Most of the women he met were ready to entertain him without putting him to any exertion whatever.

When Felix had read these words he remained absolutely still, holding that buff-colored paper before his face, trying to decide what he must do now. What was the significance exactly the significance of this? Now that Tryst was dead, Derek's quixotic action had no meaning.

Half an hour after Derek's return Diane was summoned into his presence in the little room where she had arranged his letters in the afternoon. The door was standing open, and she went in slowly, her head high.

What he wanted just now was merry prattle, and his friend did not seem disposed to contribute his share. He removed his feet from the mantelpiece, and wriggled himself sideways, so that he could see Derek's face. Its gloom touched him. Apart from his admiration for Derek, he was a warm-hearted young man, and sympathized with affliction when it presented itself to his notice.