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For the same reason that they were backward or reserved in their sympathy, all the humanitarian sects at home and abroad were forward and even ostentatious in theirs. The Catholics feared the war might result in encouraging La Republiques democratique et sociale; the humanitarian sects trusted that it would.

Such as I had left, that I resolved to give to what shall we call it?-the idée démocratique. "Now, may God rest my mother's soul, and mine also, so that some time I may see her in another world I pray I may be good enough for that some time. I have not been sweet and sinless as was my mother. Fate laid a heavier burden upon me.

Charles Delescluze, the editor-in-chief of "La Revolution Democratique et Sociale," who could not forgive him for having preferred Raspail to Ledru-Rollin, the candidate of the Mountain, attacked him on the day after the election with a violence which overstepped all bounds. At first, Proudhon had the wisdom to refrain from answering him.

"Bravo!" Kirillov almost bellowed with delight. "'Vive la republique democratique sociale et universelle ou la mart! No, no, that's not it. 'Liberte, egalite, fraternite ou la mort. There, that's better, that's better." He wrote it gleefully under his signature. "Enough, enough," repeated Pyotr Stepanovitch. "Stay, a little more. I'll sign it again in French, you know.

Another chatty letter, four days later, June 20th, has: Nous serons charmes de vous voir venir ici vers le 24 juillet avec Madame Reeve, tout en regrettant que Mademoiselle votre fille ne puisse pas vous accompagner. Nous esperons qu'elle pourra venir ici l'annee prochaine en mai. Mais qui peut faire sous un gouvernement democratique des projets a si longue echeance?

En France, l'experience de la Republique democratique et pacifique s'est faite dans les conditions les plus favorables, et a echoue. Elle n'est ni conservatrice ni reformatrice. Tout en restant bourgeoise, elle est pardessus tout prodigue.

A journey of political propaganda had just been accomplished in these mountain regions, and the well-known writer Jean Mace, accompanied by some leading Republicans, among these Victor Poupin, editor of the useful little series of works called L'Instruction Republicaine and La Bibliotheque Democratique. At St.

Programmes of the society to be founded, called the Ligue Cosmopolite Democratique, should be sent at once into all the States of the civilised world how? by balloons.

Programmes of the society to be founded, called the Ligue Cosmopolite Democratique, should be sent at once into all the States of the civilised world how? by balloons.

How, then, could the editors of the "Revue Democratique," after having borrowed from me nearly the whole substance of their economical articles, dare to say: "The holders of the soil, and other productive capital, are more or less wilful accomplices in a vast robbery, they being the exclusive receivers and sharers of the stolen goods"? The proprietors WILFULLY guilty of the crime of robbery!