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"Delacour's all right," I answered "at least, as far as I know." Tommy walked across the room to a corner cupboard. "You'll have a drink, won't you?" he asked; "there's whisky and brandy, and Grand Marnier, and I've got a bottle of port somewhere if you'd care for a glass." There was a short pause.

"No," said Lady Delacour: "I tell you, my dear, that I cannot depend upon any of these 'honourable men. I have taken means to satisfy myself on this point: their honour and foolish delicacy would not allow them to perform such an operation for a wife, without the knowledge, privity, consent, &c. &c. &c. of her husband. Now Lord Delacour's knowing the thing is quite out of the question."

X , "if I thought that truth was not the same for all the world who can understand it. And who can doubt Lady Delacour's being of that number?"

"Tell me, then," cried Lord Delacour, "is not a lover of Lady Delacour's concealed there?" "No! No! No!" answered Belinda. "Then a lover of Miss Portman?" said Lord Delacour. "Gad! we have hit it now, I believe." "Believe whatever you please, my lord," said Belinda, hastily, "but give me the key."

The girl was put under the care of a governess, who plagued my heart out with her airs and tracasseries for three or four years; at the end of which time, as she turned out to be Lord Delacour's mistress in form, I was obliged in form to beg she would leave my house: and I put her pupil into better hands, I hope, at a celebrated academy for young ladies.

All Lady Delacour's suspicions about Mrs. Stanhope's epistolary counsels and secrets instantly recurred, with almost the force of conviction to her mind. "Miss Portman," said she, "I hope your politeness to me does not prevent you from reading your letter?

Lady Delacour's embarrassment whilst Mr. Hervey spoke, Belinda attributed to her ladyship's desire that Clarence should not know that she had been obliged to borrow the money to pay him for the horses. Belinda thought that this was a species of mean pride; but she made it a point to keep her ladyship's secret she therefore slightly answered Mr.

The instant he received it he set out on his way home; he travelled with all that expedition which money can command in England: his first thought and first wish when he arrived in town were to go to Lady Delacour's; but he checked his impatience, and proceeded immediately to Twickenham, to have his fate decided by Virginia. It was with the most painful sensations that he saw her again.

"I trouble myself very little about the constancy of Lord Delacour's attachment to me," said her ladyship coolly, withdrawing her hand from Belinda; "whether his lordship's affection for me has of late increased or diminished, is an object of perfect indifference to me.

Freke's wit, thought she, is like a noisy squib, the momentary terror of passengers; Lady Delacour's like an elegant firework, which we crowd to see, and cannot forbear to applaud; but Lady Anne Percival's wit is like the refulgent moon, we "Love the mild rays, and bless the useful light." "Miss Portman," said Mr. Percival, "are not you afraid of making an enemy of Mrs.