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Then the professor suddenly changed his tone. "Mr. Tavernake," he said, "I know what you are thinking about me: I am a weak old man who drinks too much and who wasn't born altogether honest. I can't give up anything. I'd be happier, really happier, on a crust with Beatrice, but I daren't, I simply daren't try it. I prefer the flesh pots with Elizabeth, and you despise me for it.

"What has it cost you exactly, this visit?" Peter considered quite gravely. "Let me see. I was to have seen Tomlands. He's ceding his rights in the Lodal Valley Affair and his figure goes up each day." He considered again. "Three thousand," he answered with a wide grin. "I am abashed at my value," said Aymer gravely. "I daren't ask you to come again now."

"He came up here with my son George and some others for a serenade one night, and Eugene stepped into a bass fiddle, and the poor musicians just gave up! I had a pretty half-hour getting my son George upstairs. I remember! It was the last time Eugene ever touched a drop but he'd touched plenty before that, young lady, and he daren't deny it!

I really daren't let you look, for fear you should fancy the same as I did, for it must be fancy. O don't let us put in there at least not all of us." What was that thing in the water? When Wright and Vernon left the others, they walked along the coast, following the direction of the boat, and agreed to amuse themselves in collecting eggs.

"Would it be a big bird eagle or vulture?" said Mark. "I saw one fly over." "Might be," replied the major. "I'm not naturalist enough to say; and if I was, I daren't, Mark, for what a bird will do in one country it will not in another." Mark stared at him. "Well, I mean this, Mark, my lad. At home, in England, the kingfishers sit on twigs over the streams, and dive into the water and catch fish.

"I shall have to ask for special permission, sir." "Granted, of course." "Then, we'll start at eight to-night!" said King, glancing at his watch and snapping the gold case shut. "Dine with me," said Courtenay. "Yes, please. Got to pack first. Daren't trust anybody else." "Very well. We'll dine in my tent at six-thirty," said Courtenay. "So long!"

We daren't touch what you propose with a barge pole; and so far from wanting you in the old party, we'd rather you ran your own risk by yourself. But because I like you and respect your pluck, I'll do you a good turn before we part. I don't want you to waste time barking up the wrong tree.

"I daren't go and say what I think or don't think, even in the bedroom of my least orthodox patient at least, if I do, I instantly repent it while you go on saying what you really believe Sunday after Sunday! How you can believe it, I don't know, and it's no business of mine." "Oh yes, it is!" returned Wingfold.

Upon this he laughed aloud, then said, "That's not such a bad idea; but it would ruin me forever if it were known that John Simson was ghost-hunting." "There it is," said I; "you dart down on us who are unlearned with your phonetic disturbances, but you daren't examine what the thing really is for fear of being laughed at. That's science!" "It's not science, it's common-sense," said the Doctor.

These large brown disks of hardtack, so often despised, would not have been half so welcome had they been solid gold. "Well, I guess that's about all," but Marian smiled. "I'm hungry already, but we daren't eat anything yet. We'll save these and eat the deer meat first that we brought along." "We'll be pretty awful hungry, I am afraid," said Lucile, "before we leave the ocean.