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He passed by the silver, the gold, the jewels, with a laugh; and took the captive daughter of the Danaid princes, and led her into his tent." "Shameful!" muttered the dwarf. "Poor, poor Nefert!" cried Katuti, covering her face with her hands. "And what more?" asked Nemu hastily. "That," said Katuti, "that is but I will keep calm quite calm and quiet. You know my son.

Yet, when he did, after the manner of her kind, she wept over him and took him back without a word of reproach. So the fair-faced sister of Hotep came to be queen over Egypt and took another title with Nefer-ari as prefix, and the quaint Danaid name, Io, was lost to all lips but Seti's and Hotep's. After Seti came to the throne he continued Hotep in the advisership and prepared to reign happily.

"About a month after, we succeeded in surprising the Cheta position, and the Libyan soldiers, among other spoil, brought away the Danaid king's only daughter. I had behaved valiantly, and when we came to the division of the spoils Rameses allowed me to choose first.

"She is very like my Danaid princess," he said to his wife; "only she is younger and much prettier than she." Little Scherau came in to pay his respects to her, and she was delighted to see the boy; still she was sad, and however kindly Nefert spoke to her she remained in silent reverie, while from time to time a large tear rolled down her cheek.

Rameses met his noble opponent outside Mena's tent, and was about to offer him his hand, but the Danaid chief had sunk on his knees before him as the other princes had done. "Regard me not as a king and a warrior," he exclaimed, "only as a suppliant father; let us conclude a peace, and permit me to take this maiden, my grandchild, home with me to my own country."

"About a month after, we succeeded in surprising the Cheta position, and the Libyan soldiers, among other spoil, brought away the Danaid king's only daughter. I had behaved valiantly, and when we came to the division of the spoils Rameses allowed me to choose first.

Woe to me! both to a death premature and a sorrowful lifetime Thee, in the darkness of Fate, did I bear in the house of thy father! Surely thy word will I carry to thunder-delighting Kronion, Up unto snowy Olympus, and prayer may prevail for persuasion. Thou meanwhile for a season lie still by the Myrmidon galleys, Hating the Danäid host, and abstaining entirely from battle.

From time to time the silence was broken by a trumpet-blast from the royal tent; first when the Asiatic princes were introduced into the Council-tent, then when the Danaid king departed, and lastly when the Pharaoh preceded the conquered princes to the banquet.

Truly 'tis better by far in the wide-spread Danäid leaguer Robbing of guerdon achiev'd whosoe'er contradicts thee in presence! People-devouring king! O fortunate captain of cowards Else, Agamemnon, to-day would have witness'd the last of thine outrage!

Rue for Achilles hereafter shall rise in the Danäid leaguer: Bitter the yearning shall be nor in thee, howsoever afflicted, Succour be found at their need but remorse shall be raging within thee, Tearing thy heart that by thee was the best of Achaians dishonour'd."