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"How a steeple would look a-pintin' down! That is a true woman's idee." Sez I, "I would have it a-pintin' down towards the depths of darkness that wuz in that man's heart that roze it up, and the infamy of the deed that kep him in the meetin' house and turned his victim out of it." "I d'no as she wuz his victim," sez Josiah.

"Wall, I d'no," sez Arvilly "I d'no but what some of the beautiful pictures and wonderful works of Art and Nature that will be exhibited at the World's Fair would be as upliftin' and inspirin' to me as some of the sermons I hear Sundays. Specially when Brother Ridley gits to talkin' on the Jews, and the old Egyptians.

"I d'no," sez Josiah, "but it would be all right if it wuz run by a man like me; a Methodist in full standin', and one of the most enlightened and Christian men of the times." But I lifted my hand in a warnin' way and sez, "Stop, Josiah Allen, to once! such talk is imperialism, and you know I am sot like a rock aginst that.

Secure rooms for them, and have a vehicle to meet them." Here was a nice situation. To make Mabel easy about me, I had enlarged too much on the accommodations here; they are a long way from what she supposes. I called the landlord. "Hodge, here are two ladies coming from the city. Where can you put them?" "Wall, I d'no, Square. Ain't much used to city gals. Hope they don't bring no sarrytogys.

I see it, and Josiah see it, and Bizerses folks. Eight eyes from Jonesville looked at it, to say nothin' of the assembled crowd. He wuzn't restin' on nothin' at all, so fur as we could see. What material wrought out of the Occult World wuz piled up under him I d'no.

"What's he done?" "I d'no. Th' lady'll tell us that." There was a violent ringing at the front door bell. "I guess that's her," said Miss Trimble. "Who's going to let 'r in? I can't go." "I will," said Ann. Mr. Pett regarded Mr. Crocker with affectionate encouragement. "I don't know what you've done, Skinner," he said, "but I'll stand by you.

Another sight that impressed my pardner fearfully wuz the howlin' dervishes we'd hearn about 'em a sight, and so we thought we would go and hear 'em howl. There wuz a chief or Sheik, which Josiah always called a "shack" and I d'no but he wuz well named and about twenty or thirty howlers in long white robes.

In one wing of the temple is exhibited articles from one thousand to four thousand years old old bronzes, and arms, and first attempts at pottery and lacquer. Some of these illustrate arts that are lost fur back in the past I d'no how or where, nor Josiah don't.

But, howsumever, there wuz all the fishes that ever swum in America, Mexico, South America, Europe, and Asia, and I d'no but what there wuz a few from Africa. And to see on the bottom of them aquarums shells a-walkin' round, with the owners of them shells inside of 'em, wuz a sight to see.

They will draw out great bunches of natural flowers from most anywhere that you wouldn't expect 'em to be, and call birds down or out of some place onseen by us; mebby they come from the mysterious gardens of a Carabi's home, and those great bunches of roses, I d'no from what invisible rose bushes they wuz picked; mebby they growed up tall and stately on either side of the Ether avenues that surround us on every side.