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Her heart was beating so fast that its throbs could be seen under the embroidered front of the bodice which fitted her so smoothly. She wondered how Madame d'Argy would receive the suggestion she was about to make. She went on: "I dressed myself in my best to-day because I am so happy." Madame d'Argy's long tortoise-shell knitting-needles stopped.

Her heart was beating so fast that its throbs could be seen under the embroidered front of the bodice which fitted her so smoothly. She wondered how Madame d'Argy would receive the suggestion she was about to make. She went on: "I dressed myself in my best to-day because I am so happy." Madame d'Argy's long tortoise-shell knitting-needles stopped.

"No no! Let us hear what you had to propose," said Fred, getting up from his couch so quickly that he jarred his bandaged arm, and uttered a cry of pain, which seemed very much like an oath, too. Giselle was silent. Standing before the hearth, she was warming her small feet, watching, as she did so, Madame d'Argy's profile, which was reflected in the mirror. It was severe impenetrable.

And she gave vent to her feelings in an exclamation of three syllables that she had learned from the Odinskas, which meant: "I don't care!" But this was not true. She cared very much for Giselle's good opinion, and for Madame d'Argy's friendship. She suffered much in her secret heart at the thought of having given so much pain to Fred.

"No no! Let us hear what you had to propose," said Fred, getting up from his couch so quickly that he jarred his bandaged arm, and uttered a cry of pain, which seemed very much like an oath, too. Giselle was silent. Standing before the hearth, she was warming her small feet, watching, as she did so, Madame d'Argy's profile, which was reflected in the mirror. It was severe impenetrable.

M. d'Argy was wounded in the right arm, and for the present the affair is terminated, but it is said it will be resumed on M. d'Argy's recovery, although this seems hardly probable, considering the very slight cause of the quarrel an altercation at the Cercle de la Rue Boissy d'Anglas, which took place over the card-table.

M. d'Argy was wounded in the right arm, and for the present the affair is terminated, but it is said it will be resumed on M. d'Argy's recovery, although this seems hardly probable, considering the very slight cause of the quarrel an altercation at the Cercle de la Rue Boissy d'Anglas, which took place over the card-table.

In that case, Monsieur l'Abbe, you would not object to going to Madame d'Argy's house and asking how her son is." "No, of course not; but it is my duty to disapprove " "You will tell her that when a young man has compromised a young girl by defending her reputation in a manner too public, there is but one thing he can do afterward-marry her."

Her heart was beating so fast that its throbs could be seen under the embroidered front of the bodice which fitted her so smoothly. She wondered how Madame d'Argy would receive the suggestion she was about to make. She went on: "I dressed myself in my best to-day because I am so happy." Madame d'Argy's long tortoise-shell knitting-needles stopped.

Through all Madame d'Argy's letters at this period the angelic figure of Giselle was contrasted with the very different one of that young and incorrigible little devil of a Jacqueline. Fred at first believed his mother's stories were all exaggeration, but the facts were there, corroborated by the continued silence of the person concerned.