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If the cutaneous branch of absorbents gains a habit of being excited into stronger action, and imbibes greater quantities of moisture from the atmosphere, at the same time that the urinary branch has its motions inverted, another kind of diabetes is formed, which may be termed the aqueous diabetes.

A curious feeling in his back and chest that was trying to attract his attention, a disposition to be hot or shiver, a general sense of ill-health and cutaneous discomfort he did his best to ignore. All that of course belonged to the old life that he was shaking off. When he came out of retreat he went at once to Mwres to ask for news of Elizabeth.

Hence the original formation of the skeleton of the mouth can be traced to these primitive fishes, from which we have inherited it. The teeth are developed from the skin that clothes the jaws. As a fact, this is found to be the case on microscopic examination of the development and finer structure of the teeth. It is the same with the cutaneous teeth or placoid scales of the Selachii.

Sydenham relates, that he has known the dropsy cured by the use of garlic alone; he recommends it chiefly as a warm strengthening medicine in the beginning of the disease. Garlic made into an unguent with oils, &c. and applied externally, is said to resolve and discuss cold tumors, and has been by some greatly esteemed in cutaneous diseases. It has likewise sometimes been employed as a repellent.

In the former case, where the mouths of the cutaneous lymphatics become torpid or quiescent, the fluid secreted on the skin ceases to be absorbed, and erodes the skin by its saline acrimony, and produces eruptions termed herpes, the discharge from which is as salt, as the tears, which are secreted too fast to be reabsorbed, as in grief, or when the puncta lacrymalia are obstructed, and which running down the cheek redden and inflame the skin.

They are received and misinterpreted by tired nerves on the other side. So these two sets of nerves act and react upon one another, and from nothing at all is evolved an ill-feeling which, if allowed to grow, separates the friends. Each is fully persuaded that his cutaneous trouble has profound depth.

On the contrary, where less of the stimulus of volition, sensation, or irritation, have been applied to a muscle than usual; there appears to be an accumulation of the spirit of animation in the moving organ; by which it is liable to act with greater energy from less quantity of stimulus, than was previously necessary to excite it into so great action; as after having been immersed in snow the cutaneous vessels of our hands are excited into stronger action by the stimulus of a less degree of heat, than would previously have produced that effect.

It is usually accompanied or characterised by a weak, unequal, small, and frequent pulse paleness of the lips, tongue, and gums flaccidity of the muscles, hurried breathing on the least exertion, feebleness of the joints, swellings of the lower limbs, effusion of fluid into the integuments or among the muscles, before there is any considerable effusion into the thorax or the abdomen, and an unhealthy appearance of the cutaneous surface.

The population of the Darling seemed to have been much reduced by smallpox, or some cutaneous disease which must have been very virulent, considering their dirty mode of living; and its violence was indeed apparent in the marks on those who survived.

It means something, because it confirms those other experiments of which it was a copy; but we must remember that a hundred negatives don't settle such a question. Life does get into the world somehow. You don't suppose Adam had the cutaneous unpleasantness politely called psora, do you?