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This incident passed almost unperceived amidst the confusion every one being in so much danger as to be able to think only of himself. "There is a coward the less," said Don Estevan, coldly, while Cuchillo's horse drew near him with a terrified air.

This last argument of Cuchillo's was sufficiently strong to convince Don Estevan that the Golden Valley was so guarded by these fierce Indians that nothing but a strong party could reach it in short, that he himself was the only man who could set this force afoot. For a while he remained in his silent reverie.

The sun, in the midst of his course, poured down a flood of light, causing the gold spread over the surface of the valley to shoot forth innumerable rays. A shudder passed though Cuchillo's veins, as he once more beheld it. His heart beat quick at the sight of this mass of wealth. He resembled the tiger which falling upon a sheepfold cannot determine which victim to choose.

You will see, Fabian, that the knave will not testify any surprise at what I am going to tell him. Fellows who have such a face as Cuchillo's expect to be hung every day." As he concluded this judicious reflection, Pepe approached the green hedge, which separated them from the outlaw.

An imperious gesture from Fabian cut short Cuchillo's demand. "Silence!" he said, "do not distract the last thought of a Christian who is about to die." We have said that a poignard planted in the ground no longer cast a shadow. "My lord of Mediana," added Fabian, "I ask you once again, by the name we bear, by your honour, and the salvation of your soul, are you innocent of my mother's murder?"

Arechiza knew too well how to read the human physiognomy to doubt the truth of Cuchillo's report. Two hundred dollars were to him a mere bagatelle; and taking an ebony case from his bed, small but heavy, he drew from it a rouleau of gold pieces and handed them to the gambusino, who immediately put them in his pocket. There was a little more in the rouleau than had been bargained for.

At the sight of this block, which looked as though it might be seized by stretching out his hands, a thrill of joy passed through Cuchillo's heart; and hanging over the precipice with extended arms, he gave utterance to the cry which had been heard by the three hunters below.

"Were you paid for assassinating Marcos Arellanos?" At this astounding accusation a livid paleness overspread Cuchillo's features. He could no longer disguise from himself the fate that awaited him. The bandage which covered his eyes fell suddenly; and to the flattering delusions with which he had deceived himself succeeded a formidable reality.

"Yes or rather that Don Estevan knows of the existence of the placer; but not where it is, or the road that leads to it. This is only known to Cuchillo, whose death would therefore be an irreparable loss to all of us." "Bah!" replied the ex-herdsman, with a shake of the head; "Cuchillo's face is one that could never deceive an experienced eye.

"With proofs such as those we possess, the tribunal of a city would have condemned the assassin to atone for his crime; and Indian justice could not have done less. It was God's will that you should be spared the necessity of shedding the blood of a white man. I say as you do, Pepe, it is Cuchillo's affair."