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"But I tell you, Crutcher, it was worth it, I mean digging in our jeans for the money and getting so tired out and feeling our age and everything. It was worth it all, just to see our girl's eyes shining and to prove what she is made of. I tell you she stood up there and received with as much dignity as Queen Victoria herself."

Each one returned to his vehicle and journeyed to his humble home, leaving Crutcher alone upon the platform. If the hackmen had taken his money it would have served as proof to him that they were no better than he, that they were not in a business like his simply because they lacked his skill and finesse.

Leroy Crutcher, of whom we caught a glimpse or so in an earlier chapter, happened to be passing along the sidewalk that ran parallel with the side of the Daleman residence. As he reached the alley at the rear of the yard, he saw a man standing on a rock looking over the back fence. The two men glared at each other. The moon was shining brightly and they could see each other well.

'Kiss your brother. We may not meet again, said he sadly. Neglecting to close the door I stepped up to him and kissed him. When I turned to go out I saw that Gus Martin, whom Leroy Crutcher, as I afterwards found out, had set to watching me, had seen us kiss each other. I hurried on home embarrassed that I could not explain the situation to him.

"Sure, sure!" agreed Pete, "I was a mere lad, but I was there." "It was in January, too," persisted the drummer. "Of course, but we made it so hot for the for the other side that this June weather is nothin' to it." There was a general laugh and moving of chairs out of the rays of the inconsiderate sun. "By golly, we're just in time," said Colonel Crutcher. "There comes Miss Ann Peyton's rockaway.

This was also the opinion of Thomas Crutcher, who came with General Jackson to Nashville, and it was also the opinion of Dr. Boyd McNary and his elder brother, Judge McNary, who believed he was four years older than he supposed himself to be. The McNarys came with him from North Carolina.

This may be true of him at some stage of the proceedings, but when he is looking for a spot at which to let fly an arrow, he could play schoolmaster to Argus, of the many eyes. Ensal and Earl departed, Ensal going home to live the evening over through the night, while Earl called upon Leroy Crutcher and engaged him to use Tiara Merlow as a clue to trace the unknown young woman.

He up an' claimed kin with her an' she just gave him the merry ha ha." "Well, my j'ints are mighty stiff, but I'm proud to have trod a measure with Miss Judith Buck," said Colonel Crutcher. "It was worth a lot to see Miss Ann Peyton again, too," said Judge Middleton. "I heard a good deal of talk on the side about Miss Ann last night. It seems that the family is getting together on the subject.

Miss Munsell was a big fat lady, and she smiled so that the dimples came in both cheeks and her double Chin was doubter than ever, when she told the children what a dear, nice teacher Miss Crutcher was, and how fond she was of them, and wouldn't they like to make a Christmas present to their dear, kind teacher? They all said "Yes, mam."

I hope you will save me a dance. Yes, yes! We are going to have some reels and lancers and some good old time quadrilles. If the young uns don't like it they can lump it. Here, Colonel Crutcher, give Miss Ann a dance card. How about giving me the first square dance?" "And put me down for the next," begged the Colonel gallantly. "It won't be the first quadrille I have stepped with you."