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He wore a big-billed hat pulled low over his face and a tight-fitting black jacket, the standard uniform of a merchant spaceman. "Anything else?" asked the pretty waitress behind the counter. "Yeah," growled Tom. "Gimme another glass of milk and another of these crummy sandwiches." "Well, you don't have to be rude about it!" snapped the girl. "Somebody should teach you space tramps some manners!"

On that little bit of journalistic "enterprise" the ICONOCLAST put a kibosh also, much to the satisfaction of every decent family in Harris county. Now the fecular sheet has found a new road to infamy is advertising garters fit only to adorn the crummy underpinning of negro prostitutes. It does seem that the Post will do anything for a dollar except be decent.

The druggist would formerly have taken good care not to use such an expression, but he was cultivating a gay Parisian style, which he thought in the best taste; and, like his neighbour, Madame Bovary, he questioned the clerk curiously about the customs of the capital; he even talked slang to dazzle the bourgeois, saying bender, crummy, dandy, macaroni, the cheese, cut my stick and "I'll hook it," for "I am going."

If we smashed that the plaster 'ud fall down in the lower dormitory," said Beetle. "Let's," whispered McTurk. "An' be collared first thing? Not much. Why, I can shove my hand ever so far up between these boards." Stalky thrust an arm to the elbow between the joists. "No good stayin' here. I vote we go back and talk it over. It's a crummy place. 'Must say I'm grateful to King for his water-works."

CRAME, a booth, a merchant's shop. CREAGH, an incursion for plunder, termed on the Borders a raid. CROUSE, bold, courageous. CRUMMY, a cow with crooked horns. CUITTLE, tickle. CURRAGH, a Highland boat. DAFT, mad, foolish. DEBINDED, bound down. DECREET, an order of decree. DEOCH AN DORUIS, the stirrup-cup or parting drink. DERN, concealed, secret. DINMONTS, wethers in the second year.

What do you suppose she'd think of the people of this town if she was invited out, expecting decent treatment, and found two-thirds of the cakes eaten up before she got there, and what was left of 'em all mauled and pawed over and crummy and chewed-up lookin' from some wretched CHILD?" Here William became oratorical, but not with marked effect, since Jane regarded him with unmoved eyes, while Mrs.

I am rooming with an Irish family whose floor space is limited, so we all have shake-downs, and in the morning can clear the decks for action with no bedsteads in the way. I am very 'crummy, badly flea-bitten, overrun with bed bugs, somewhat fly-blown, but, redemption of it all, I am free and always drunk.

"'No good stayin' here, said Tommy, 'I vote we crawl back and talk it over. This is a crummy old place. "When we got back to billets and examined our loot, it was a sure enough German spy's code book, and it contained a rough sketch of all our trenches and what not, quite sufficient to use in conjunction with the squared map he carried. The book was printed in German.

"Just so, my crummy mate; no one will come of his own accord to be caged; but once there, one must enjoy himself." "You are in luck, for Pique-Vinaigre is here." "He also? an old Melun chum! famous, famous, he will help us pass the time with his stories, and customers will not be wanting, for I announce some recruits." "Who then?"

Then Jess went into the byre, lifting up her house gown and covering it with the dust- coloured milking overall, in which she attended to Speckly and Crummy. She had done her best her best, that is, for Jess Kissock and it was with a conscience void of offence that she set herself to do well her next duty, which happened to be the milking of the cows.