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Farther up the byre, Meg leaned her head against Crummy and milked steadily. Apparently she and Jock Forrest were not talking at all. Jock looked down and only a quiver of the corner of his beard betrayed that he was speaking.

And if they do come looking for us, the only thing left up there now" he pointed his finger over his head "is a pile of sand like any other sand dune on this crummy planet. We're stuck, Corbett, so lay off that last chance, do-or-die routine. I've been eating glory all my life. If I do have to splash in now, I want it to be on my own terms. And that's to just sit here and wait for it to come.

I want to talk to Porter." "I'm sorry but Mr. Porter has gone for the day." "Well, where can I reach him? It's important." "I'm sorry. Mr. Porter left no number." "When will he be back?" "He didn't say." Crane slammed the phone down. "The bastards!" he snarled. "The lousy, crummy bastards. Running like a pack of scared rats. Bureaucrats! Damned, cowardly, self-appointed opportunists!"

The Witch struggled for a few minutes and finally freed herself, only to be knocked over a second time by the Lion, who had summoned up a few grams of courage in just the nick of time. "You pestery creatures!" she blurted. "You filthy rotten haggard beasts of bumbling stumbling stupidity! I will see you both destroyed and I'll laugh about it, you rotten dirty crummy hateful old things!"

"I get it, all right, you crummy little chiseler," growled Astro. "Tom, we gotta give these back to Tony." Tom nodded. "You're right," he said. "Now wait a minute!" said Roger angrily. "I went to a lot of trouble to get these things for you " "Look, Roger," Tom interrupted, "I would rather have one night with those spools than a two-week leave in Atom City right now.

"When I reported for work, the old scrap was out on construction and they were disposed to put me on another mill, pulling varnished cars, but I told the old man I was under the weather and 'crummy, and that put him in a good humor; and I was sent out to a desolate siding, and once again took charge, of the steam 'fence, for the robber of the Black Prince mine.

There was no reply. "I see," sighed the Witch. "So you want to make things difficult, do you? Well, I am willing to go along with your silly little game of hide-and-go-seek. But just remember, my fine and dandy little gentleman, that once I do find you, I will not be so lenient on your crummy hiding little hide!"

I can work on this big farm!" "Not a cotton-picking chance!" blurted the human. "I need a work-horse to pull this wagon. If I had another animal, maybe a horse or a pony, I'd gladly unload your crummy old worthless hide in a heartbeat! But such beasts are sure to be expensive in these parts, especially to a stranger like me.

They'd be poundin' away on the scaffold an' testin' the rope while the trial was goin' on. Besides which you'd have to linger in a crummy jail for a couple of months waitin' for the grand jury to set on you.

"Ah, there's nothing to do on the radar deck. Besides, I've got the emergency alarm on." He wiped his forehead. "Brother! Of all the crummy places to be stuck!" "Could be worse," said Tom, his eyes sweeping the monitors. "Nothing could be worse," groaned Roger. "But nothing. Think of that lovely space doll Helen Ashton alone on earth and me stuck here on a space station."