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Crookes was the widow of a seafaring man, and lived at Liverpool, and had heard Lloyd's rating quoted all her life and that they, the writer and Mrs.

Germany had sent Gasgabelaus, Leybach, and Wilhelm Lamszus; France Sortell, Amand, and Buona Varilla; Great Britain Sir William Crookes, Sir Francis Soddy, and Mr. H. G. Wells, celebrated for his "The War of the Worlds" and The "World Set Free," and hence supposedly just the man to unravel a scientific mystery such as that which confronted this galaxy of immortals.

Of course, I can't go the whole length, but I must say I don't know what you're going to do with the evidence Crookes collected." "But Slade and Home and the Fox sisters, from whom he drew his 'facts, were exposed again and again, and one of the Fox sisters confessed to fraud, didn't she?" "M yes. But afterwards recanted and re-recanted. They were all a dubious lot, I'll admit.

To sustain this contention, let me ask if you have ever read the account of Sir William Crookes's experiments with psychic force?" Miller confessed that he had not. "I have avoided doing so, for I respect Crookes as a chemist," he added.

A voice, quite evidently from a phonograph buried in the depths of the altar, answered in an unknown language which sounded much like "Al-ya wa-aa haal-ya waa-ha." Across the dim room flashed a pale blue light with a crackling noise, the visible rays from a Crookes tube, I verily believe. The Pandit, however, said it was the soul of a saint passing through.

Phosphorescence and fluorescence seem especially to result from the alpha and beta rays, particularly from the alpha rays, to which belongs the most important part of the total energy of the radiation. Sir W. Crookes has invented a curious little apparatus, the spinthariscope, which enables us to examine the phosphorescence of the blende excited by these rays.

Apparently they cannot be produced except in a very high vacuum, where the pressure of the air is about 1-100th millionth of an atmosphere, or that which it is some 90 or 100 miles above the earth. Mr Crookes regards them as a stream of airy particles electrified by contact with the cathode or negative discharging point, and repelled from it in straight lines.

Even if the solid is converted into vapour, the molecules are still much restrained in their movements by the pressure of the air. Dr. W. Crookes has made many beautiful experiments on the behaviour of the molecules of attenuated matter in vacua.

Crookes' weekly distribution of rewards she took no notice of it; but as she rarely condescended to visit the lower regions, and only occasionally asked Mr. Crookes to dine in her own sitting-room, she may be allowed the benefit of the doubt; and, besides, she was a very superior person. On the day after he had received Lady Maud's note, Mr. Van Torp rode out by himself.

Crookes' letters upon the subject are still extant. In very many cases it was the Spiritualists themselves who exposed the frauds. They laughed, as the public laughed, at the sham Shakespeares and vulgar Caesars who figured in certain seance rooms. They deprecated also the low moral tone which would turn such powers to prophecies about the issue of a race or the success of a speculation.