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Whatever bounds of time Nature may give to the seed in which to become a plant, or to the grub to become a butterfly, there is no set limit wherein the country-bred boy may bloom into a full-fledged college student.

To take two of the Old Testament prophets, we find a marked difference here between Ezekiel and Jeremiah. Jeremiah is obviously country-bred. He might have been surprised, if he had been told how often he illustrates his thought from bird and beast and country life and always with a certain life-like precision and a perfectly clear sympathy.

Ermine explained this by her correspondence with literary friends of her brother's, and country-bred Rachel, to whom literature was still an oracle unconnected with living agencies, listened, yes, absolutely listened to her anecdotes of sayings and doings, far more like clever memoirs than the experiences of the banks of the Avon.

Then one can see the oval face of a handsome young woman with deep dark eyes and long heavy clinging tresses, which seem to clasp in a beseeching way anything they fall against. The cheeks are paler, the teeth more regular, the red lips thinner than is usual in a country-bred girl.

He'll do nothing for you, but 'll only make you beg and abuse you. I know Joe Harrod, and only wish he'd got his head broke instead of poor Margy. Ain't you got no relation you know of to go to? She was country-bred, Margy was; she come from Norfolk, I often heard her say." "I've got no one," murmured Fan. "Well, don't cry no more. Come in here; you look starved and tired to death.

But the goddess of Fortune smiling benignly on this country-bred lad, had in a wayward mood apparently taken him under her special protection. He staked and won again, and then again pleased at his success ... in spite of himself feeling the subtle poison of excitement creeping into his veins ... yet remaining perfectly calm outwardly the while.

"I think I shall fit it," he said slowly. Mrs. Brand's critical glance weighed his smallness, his immaculateness, his difference from her own great sons. "Yes," she said, with the open rudeness of the country-bred; "yes, you ain't very big." Van Alen winced. Even from the lips of this uncouth woman the truth struck hard. But he carried the topic forward with the light ease of a man of the world.

Here comes another with a sou'-wester and a bombazine cloak. No town-bred dandy will compare with a country-bred one I mean a downright bumpkin dandy a fellow that, in the dog-days, will mow his two acres in buckskin gloves for fear of tanning his hands.

And presently he found himself watching his own daughter Mary, as she came along the opposite bank of the stream. She was drawing Fiddle-dee-dee in a small red cart and was walking slowly. She walked well. Country-born and country-bred, there was nothing about her of plodding peasant. All her life she had danced with the Bannisters and the Beauforts.

For like many a country-bred boy he had the sea instinct in his bones, inherited perhaps from his progenitors, who were of a seafaring stock in old Devonshire, in that town made for ever famous by Kingsley in "Westward Ho!"