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"Their numbers are so small and the soil so fruitful they generally have an abundance of bananas, maize, beans, and other food. Fish is abundant, and few are without a cow or two. The only furniture they have and need is a hammock and a cooking-pot. Plates, spoons, jugs, and basins they make of the bark of the 'totumo, a tree which is found in every forest.

Lastly, in a corner close beside the bed, I spied a long-barrelled firelock with bandoliers complete. "Martin, are you there? Are you safe?" "Indeed!" says I. "And, Damaris, I have found you treasure beyond price." "O Martin, is it Bartlemy's treasure the jewels?" "Better than that a thousand times. I have found you a real cooking-pot!" "O wonderful! Show me! Nay, let me see for myself.

Suddenly in came a whole herd of ogres, who devoured all he had cooked, and became quite animated over their eating. They all kept pointing to the kettle which seemed too small to them. When three or four days had passed, one of the ogres dragged in an enormous cooking-pot on his back, which was thenceforth used exclusively.

The sailors here have as great an aversion to being followed by the crocodile as our seamen by a shark, and they now display their feelings by looks and mutterings, and strictly prohibiting the use of the cooking-pot on that service again.

Gaetano, ever doing wrong, dips his cooking-pot in the sea for water a dangerous experiment, if the traditions of Tanganyika hold good, that the ravenous hosts of crocodiles seldom spare any one bold enough to excite their appetites with such dregs as usually drop from those utensils; moreover, they will follow and even board the boats, after a single taste.

One Mosi-oa-tunya, however, is quite enough for a continent. We had now an opportunity of seeing more of the Batoka, than we had on the highland route to our north. They did not wait till the evening before offering food to the strangers. The aged wife of the headman of a hamlet, where we rested at midday, at once kindled a fire, and put on the cooking-pot to make porridge.

"I tried it on that one-way heat conductor," said Soames. "I can't duplicate it. But I've designed something that will mean nearly but not quite what their cooking-pot does. Take a look at this." He spread out the completed diagram of the first thing he'd worked on. It was quite clear. He'd helped design the meteor-watch radar at Gissell Bay, and his use of electronic symbols was normal.

So they moved towards the houses over the way. One cursed his woman for wailing in the doorway; one snatched the lid from a cooking-pot; one drew from an oven cakes of dourha, and gave them to those who had none; one knelt and bowed his forehead to the ground in prayer; one shouted the name of him whose coming they desired. So was David missed in Egypt.

'But in the mean time go and light the fire; and when I have brought this oil I will cook some fish. She went as if to obey; and presently when the trader looked she had built a fire so big that the cook-house was catching in flames. 'I Kana Kim! she cried, as she saw him coming; but he recked not, and hit her with a cooking-pot.

While threatening the poor creature he made his wife observe its anguish and terror, and the fowl was saved at the same time as the soul of Madame Pistzoff, who admitted that fowls, at any rate, do not go gladly into the cooking-pot. The number of Pistzoff's followers increased daily, and the sect of the "White-robed Believers" was formed.