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I am naturally averse to egotism, and hate selflaudation consumedly; but I can't help relating here a circumstance illustrative of the point in question, in which I must think I acted with considerable prudence. I was on the left of the Galeongee, and the Russian agent, Count de Diddloff, on his dexter side.

As I did so I heard footsteps behind me and turned to face Casperius Asellio, and Vespronius Lustralis, two of the most persistent of the toadies who hung about Falco, both of whom hated me consumedly. In a flash I realized my situation.

He was taking considerable pleasure in standing on a pedestal before the eyes of Europe as the bereaved Hohenzollern sire. His first, and accurate, feeling was that Europe would laugh consumedly when it learned the truth of the matter.

The older peers, with their hands behind their ears, clustered round him to catch his witticisms, some even kneeling on the floor in order to be near enough to hear him. They chuckled and laughed consumedly, but we unfortunate reporters in the Gallery had but the faintest idea of what it was they were laughing at. One sentence I did indeed catch, and still remember.

"I know you did." "Then what the devil are you doing here alone?" cried Raffles. "Why didn't you bring along a couple of good men and true from Scotland Yard? Here I am, Mr. Levy, entirely at your service. Why don't you give me in charge?" Levy chuckled consumedly ventriloquously behind his three gold buttons and his one diamond stud. "P'r'aps I'm not such a bad sort as you think," said he.

"Roger Wildrake!" said Everard, letting the cavalier loose, and stepping back. "Roger Wildrake? ay, truly. Did you take me for Roger Bacon, come to help you raise the devil? for the place smells of sulphur consumedly." "It is the pistol I fired Did you not hear it?"

He would fain have of thee some of those wonderful papers of thine, whereby so many have become so suddenly rich; and, for the sake of our old acquaintance, I pray you pleasure him in this matter." Then methought Mr Scrip looked fixedly upon Scapegrace, and shook his head consumedly.

He made this remark to Deulin and Cartoner, whom he met at the Cukiernia Lourse a large confectioner's shop and tea-house in the Cracow Faubourg which is the principal cafe in Warsaw. And he then and there had arranged that they should dine with him. "I always accept the good Mangles' invitations. Firstly, I am in love with Miss Cahere. Secondly, Julie P. Mangles amuses me consumedly.

It is certainly inconsistent with the teaching of Christ, and Mr. Brooke calls himself a Christian. It is no less inconsistent with all we know of Nature, who is supremely indifferent to the fate of individuals. To talk so consumedly of God's love in this age of Darwinism, with its law of natural selection based on a universal struggle for existence, is to fly in the face of common sense.

But what a method for Infinite Wisdom and Infinite Goodness! There was more sense, and less cruelty, in the ancient method of infanticide. Mr. Le Gallienne seems to feel that his theory of pain is too fantastic, so he falls back on "mystery." "We can form no possible conception," he says, "of the processes of God." Why then does he talk about them so consumedly?