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Even Mark Twain has been taken in by an English review of his INNOCENTS ABROAD. Mark Twain is by no means a coarse humorist, but the Englishman's humor is so much finer than his, that he mistakes it for solid earnest, and "lafts most consumedly." A man who cannot learn stands in his own light.

Draw that flip he's looking at it very angrily, I see! and then turn in, or you'll be late in the morning; and, by George, we must be away by four o'clock at latest, for we have all of sixty miles to make to-morrow, and Tom's fat carcase will try the springs most consumedly, down hill."

At times also he joins a party of friends and seeks some happier hunting ground farther from his campagne. Meanwhile the women dawdle through the day, superintending their domestic work, look after their children's and their own toilette, tend the fire, attend to the cooking, and smoke consumedly.

'Perhaps he's going to take a first-class compartment with hot-water pans, remarked Mortimer, and the little group of admirers all laughed consumedly. Dick, overhearing the remark, said to Kate: 'One mustn't take notice of what he says; I very nearly kicked him into the orchestra at Halifax about six months ago. But what compartment shall we take?

He laughed consumedly at his own jest, and turning to me he pointed to a crimson bundle on a chair beside me. "Take those garments," he roughly bade me. "Go dress yourself in them, then come you back and entertain us." Without answering him, and already anticipating the nature of the clothes he bade me don, I lifted one of the garments from the heap.

Then a particularly wild Irish conversation was kept up among the drivers, and I observed a pleasant commercial gentleman who was bound for the village, as distinguished from the landing-place of Cong, laughing consumedly as his car branched off and left me to pursue my way in the twilight. Then my car-driver, evidently backed by a brother car-driver, put his case plainly.

"Over there, you blind bat!" he said, coarsely and impatiently; and pulling out his pistol he fired thrice, and a low, melodious sound followed the reports of his weapon. When the smoke cleared away I saw that he had hit an old harpsichord which stood against a tree, facing the house. "The ghost!" we yelled, and then we laughed consumedly.

Both women were consumedly Anglo-Indian. All their values were social; pay, promotion, prestige. All their lamentations pitched in the same key: everything dearer, servants 'impossible, hospitality extinct, with every one saving and scraping to get Home. Both were deeply versed in bazaar prices and the sins of native servants.

At first I felt too utterly miserable to take much interest in anything, for my head, swathed in bandages, was aching and smarting so consumedly that for the first quarter of an hour or so I could not bear even the subdued light that entered through the open ports, and was obliged to keep my eyes closed; moreover, I was parched and burnt-up with fever, as weak as a cat, and consumed with an intolerable thirst.

Meanwhile, I love you consumedly, and you do not care a snap of your fingers for me." "I I am sorry," she said, inadequately. "You are the more gracious." A hand, feather-soft, fell upon, his shoulder, "And who was your Ysoude, Jean Bulmer?" "A woman who died twenty years ago, a woman dead before you were born, my dear." Claire gave a little stifled moan, "Oh oh, I loathe her!" she cried.