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The letter reads: RIGHT HONORABLE, ETC.: I received your letter wherein you write that our minds are so set upon faction, and idle conceits in dividing the country without your consents, and that we feed you but with ifs and ands, hopes and some few proofes; as if we would keepe the mystery of the businesse to ourselves: and that we must expressly follow your instructions sent by Captain Newport: the charge of whose voyage amounts to neare two thousand pounds, the which if we cannot defray by the ships returne we are likely to remain as banished men.

If he consents, he would order all the native officers under him to hold their tongues and, as you are a favourite with them all, your secret would be kept." "It is a grand idea, and I certainly don't see why it should not work out properly." "I have no doubt that the risaldar major will do all he can for you." "Do you think so, Robah?" "I am sure he will.

"James, perhaps he is an honest man," said Angela in a low tone, "but his excitement terrifies me; see how wild his manner is." "We must risk confiding to his loyalty, otherwise he will speak." "But if he deceives us if he tells all?" "Angela! between two dangers we must choose the least." "Yes, if he consents to pass for you, you are saved, at least this time."

"I can I will it is my purpose," said De Bracy; "for, when Rowena consents to be the bride of De Bracy, who is it shall dare to put forth a violent hand upon her kinsman the son of her guardian the companion of her youth? But it is thy love must buy his protection.

He will allow no one in his room, and barely consents to see Sir Elwin. Then, twice recently, he has awakened in the night and made a singular request." "What is that?" "He has asked me to send for his solicitor in the morning, speaking harshly and almost as though he hated me...." "I don't understand. Have you complied?"

We have no marriage bond like other people; but when a man loves a woman he says, 'Will you be mine? and if her heart consents she follows him home; and one may quit the other if love grows cold.

'Strange, he says, 'take two Christians equal on all points but this; nay, let one go far beyond the other for grace and holiness; yet this circumstance of water shall drown and sweep away all his excellencies; not counting him worthy of that reception that with hand and heart shall be given to a novice in religion, because he consents to water.

And this has been told you before; and I have said it to Mrs. To contradict the charge of prepossession to Lovelace, you offer never to have him without our consents: and what is this saying, but that you will hope on for our consents, and to wheedle and tire us out? Remember last Sunday, Girl! What might have happened, had your brother and he met?

"She consents, then, in the ordinary way?" "She does, my lord." "Well," replied the peer, "that, as the world goes, is, perhaps, as much as can be expected at present. You have not, I dare say, attempted to force her very much on the subject, and the poor girl has no mother. Under such circumstances, the delicacy of a young lady is certainly entitled to a manly forbearance.

He was infuriated, however, to find that the nullification of the marriage was solicited on the ground of its non-consummation through impotentia mariti; this being one of the most valid and decisive pleas on which the Church of Rome consents to part those whom she has joined.