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For years afterward, whenever she went to parties, she affected a single, fat curl over her right shoulder, with a rose stuck through it. Twenty-three years ago one's sisters did not strain at the household leash, nor crave a career. Carrie taught school, and hated it. Eva kept house expertly and complainingly. Babe's profession was being the family beauty, and it took all her spare time.

But this reception, upon which she built such bright fancies, was delayed for some few days, for, on arriving at her destination, she was carried into a dingy shed, not into the splendid glass palace her visions had conjured up. 'Is this the place to which I am destined? she muttered complainingly. 'Oh dear! no one will see me here.

He had seen the post-cart come and go for it came in and went out simultaneously at that out-of-the-way hamlet, where there was no one to write complainingly to the papers concerning the inefficiency of the mail service and it was almost time for Harry to come and fetch him, as she had appointed. But presently the reason for her absence made itself apparent in the person of her father.

The lamb backed away, eyed him attentively for several minutes as he lay prostrate, and then quite as though a tightly coiled spring had been released, leaped into the air and landed with all four feet bunched in the small of Bowers's back. Bowers sat up and said complainingly as he grabbed the lamb by the wool and drew it towards him: "There ain't a minute's peace when you're awake, Mary!

"What I say. Is it only to save you that I am to marry Juliet? My marriage must be one of love " "She does love you. And I don't see," added Basil complainingly, "why you should jump on a chap for wishing for your happiness " "And your own safety." "Oh, bosh! The bill is destroyed. Juliet put it into the fire, and Hale will sell the check at his own price."

Has a family upon whom a faction unlawfully bestowed the diadem of a rightful prince, retained a due sense of so great a trust and favour?" These and his other proclamations betrayed an Irish pen; probably Sir Thomas Sheridan's. One of Charles's English adherents, Lord Elcho, who kept a journal of the campaign, notes, complainingly, the Irish influence under which he acted.

He was in a state of irritation, which I noticed with surprise, his usual behaviour when he condescended to converse being perfectly cool, with a trace of amused tolerance, as if the existence of his interlocutor had been a rather good joke. "They caught me for that inquiry, you see," he began, and for a while enlarged complainingly upon the inconveniences of daily attendance in court.

When the meal was finished Scipio was about to get up from his chair, but Vada's imperious tongue stayed him. "We ain't said grace," she declared complainingly. And the man promptly dropped back into his seat. "Sure," he agreed helplessly. At once the girl put her finger-tips together before her nose and closed her eyes.

"Yes, but I shall not let you go to Worthing," said Mr. Colwyn, with sudden decisiveness. "You shall not be exposed to insolence of this kind any longer. Miss Polehampton had no right to treat you as she did, and I shall write and tell her so." "And if Janetta stays at home," said his wife complainingly, "what is to become of her career as a music-teacher?

And after that she sat another dreary hour, while the ancient engine complainingly coughed its way through the bleak, gray woods to the ugly brown station that was their destination. It was late afternoon. The rain had not really ceased to fall, but the sky was clearing a bit in the west as the girl stared curiously about her, while the baggage man helped the trainmen with their luggage.