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On the twenty-fifth of November, he writes thus, in his Diary: "The Lord hath permitted Satan to raise an extraordinary Storm upon my father and myself. All the rage of Satan, against the holy churches of the Lord, falls upon us. First Calf's and then Colman's, do set the people into a mighty ferment."

Paisiello's opera, on the contrary, was extremely popular, throughout Europe. True, he called it "The Barber of Seville," not "The Spanish Barber," but Colman's subtitle, "The Futile Precaution," came from the original French title. Rossini also adopted it and purposely avoided the chief title set by Beaumarchais and used by Paisiello; but he was not long permitted to have his way.

The libretto was founded on a forgotten French operetta, which again was adapted from Garrick and Colman's "Clandestine Marriage." The emperor could not attend the first representation, but a brilliant audience hailed it with delight. Leopold made amends, though, on the second night, for he stood in his box, and said, aloud: "Bravo, Cimarosa, bravissimo!

Colman's testimony credible, natural, and proper? To judge of this, you must go back to that scene. The murder had been committed; the two Knapps were now arrested; four persons were already in jail supposed to be concerned in it, the Crowninshields, and Selman, and Chase. Another person at the Eastward was supposed to be in the plot; it was important to learn the facts.

"Please tell me when there's something to be seen besides 'Colman's Mustard." "There is something!" cried Kate, breathlessly, "there is, Oh, Frances, such a beautiful face!" Little Frances was on her feet in a moment, and rushed to the farther window.

"It looks like it, unless you can explain how you came by the blotted bill." "I don't believe I paid you the bill. Very likely it was some one else." "I thought you would say that, so I called Colman's attention to it. However, if your employer admits paying you the bills, of course you are all right."

Pangloss, satirises the indigent, mercenary, disreputable private tutors who constituted a distinct and pernicious class of social humbugs in Colman's day, has lost its direct point for the present age, through the disappearance of the peculiar type of imposture against which its irony was directed. Dr.

It was so terrible to feel oneself boxed up there for an hour or two alone, with that awful Picture staring one in the face all the time from every fence and field and wall and hoarding. It obliterated Fry's Cocoa; it fixed itself on the yellow face of Colman's Mustard. I went by Liverpool Street, and drove across to Paddington.

For a month past, I have not been able to find any work." Colman's face lost something of its graciousness. "And I fear I sha'n't be able to pay my quarter's rent to-morrow." "Indeed!" said the landlord coldly. "Perhaps you can make it up within two or three dollars?" "I can't pay a dollar towards it," said the cooper.

We can only refer such difficult problems to the Great Head of the church for solution. During the nine years of Brother Colman's service in Wisconsin, he was abundant in labor. He was emphatically a man of one work. His salary, like that of his co-laborers, was small, making an average of only two hundred and fifty dollars a year.