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Among the prisoners captured by the British forces at Colesburg were three Boer women who wore men's clothing, but it was not until after they had been confined in the prison-ship at Cape Town for several weeks that their sex was discovered. A real little Boertje was Helena Herbst Wagner, of Zeerust, who spent five months in the laagers and in the trenches without her identity being revealed.

The trek northward was begun near Colesburg on March 12th, and when all the different commandos had joined the main column the six thousand horsemen, the seven hundred and fifty transport-waggons, the two thousand natives, and twelve thousand cattle formed a line extending more than twenty-four miles.

Olympian Springs.-Second Ohio, Colonel Harris. Cynthiana, Kentucky.-Thirty-fifth Ohio, Colonel Vandever. Nicholasville, Kentucky.-Twenty-first Ohio, Colonel Norton; Thirty-eighth Ohio, Colonel Bradley. Big Hill.-Seventeenth Ohio, Colonel Connell. Colesburg.-Twenty-fourth Illinois, Colonel Hecker. Elizabethtown, Kentucky.-Nineteenth Illinois, Colonel Turchin.

Olympian Springs.-Second Ohio, Colonel Harris. Cynthiana, Kentucky.-Thirty-fifth Ohio, Colonel Vandever. Nicholasville, Kentucky.-Twenty-first Ohio, Colonel Norton; Thirty-eighth Ohio, Colonel Bradley. Big Hill.-Seventeenth Ohio, Colonel Connell. Colesburg.-Twenty-fourth Illinois, Colonel Hecker. Elizabethtown, Kentucky.-Nineteenth Illinois, Colonel Turchin.

Cheering auguries there were in plenty, but we guardedly declined to be cheered, and pretended to snigger sceptically at the auguries. It might be that the Boers had been "driven out of Colesburg," but we did not believe it, on principle. From the same source we learned that Cronje was a prisoner; but he was not! so that our incredulity was in a measure justifiable to the end.

Olympian Springs.-Second Ohio, Colonel Harris. Cynthiana, Kentucky.-Thirty-fifth Ohio, Colonel Vandever. Nicholasville, Kentucky.-Twenty-first Ohio, Colonel Norton; Thirty-eighth Ohio, Colonel Bradley. Big Hill.-Seventeenth Ohio, Colonel Connell. Colesburg.-Twenty-fourth Illinois, Colonel Hecker. Elizabethtown, Kentucky.-Nineteenth Illinois, Colonel Turchin.

But he took another tack; he moved a short distance, as if intending to meet Davies, and then suddenly wheeled to the right and reached Center-town by way of Pinche's Factory, along the line of Goose River. After fording the river he called a halt at Colesburg. His men were now worn out with fatigue, and his horses totally unfitted for further service until thoroughly recuperated. This ended Gen.

Olympian Springs.-Second Ohio, Colonel Harris. Cynthiana, Kentucky.-Thirty-fifth Ohio, Colonel Vandever. Nicholasville, Kentucky.-Twenty-first Ohio, Colonel Norton; Thirty-eighth Ohio, Colonel Bradley. Big Hill.-Seventeenth Ohio, Colonel Connell. Colesburg.-Twenty-fourth Illinois, Colonel Hecker. Elizabethtown, Kentucky.-Nineteenth Illinois, Colonel Turchin.

Major von Reitzenstein was a participant in battles at Colesburg and in Natal, and was eager to remain with the Boer forces until the end of the war, but was recalled by his Government, which had granted him a leave of absence from the German army.