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The same it was at night at the Opera, where music served only to remind him of a familiar voice winding like a thread of gold out across the orchards through the orange trees; and the same again, after dinner with his colleagues on committees, when the deputies, their cigars tilted cockily upwards between their lips, and with all the voluptuous gaiety inspired by good digestions, would troop off to see the night out in some trustworthy house of assignation where their dignity as representatives of the country would not be compromised!

God, how I came to hate him not for his cowardice that was a novelty, and so freely acknowledged, but because he would sing the men to their death. This was the tame elephant that they use to subdue the wild ones this the decoy the little white bastard. "Very well, I will walk up and down the trenches, singing " He said it a bit cockily.

While dressing I cast gratified glances at the ragged hole in the window. With the daylight my courage had returned, and I began to have a sort of pride in my achievement. "If that fellow had known how I can throw a baseball he'd have been careful," I thought, a little cockily. I went down-stairs into the office. The sleepy porter was mopping the floor.

"Now we'll maybe get a few months of peace." "Oh, Bullard has ceased from troubling for good," said Teddy rather cockily. "Indeed, sir!" returned Caw very respectfully. His thoughts were speedily diverted, however, by Alan's intimation of the Lancasters' approaching visit. "And you'll just forget, Caw, that you ever saw Mr. Lancaster in an invidious position here. He has suffered enough."

A strapping big Anzac, with a cockily rosetted Rough Rider hat, strolled arm in arm with a French Blue Devil from the Alpine Chasseurs. A kilted Highlander, three years absent from his homeland and bearing four wound stripes on his sleeve, was trying vainly to teach the words of "Scotland Forever" to a Russian officer whose precise English did not encompass the confusing Scotch burr.

"I bet you there's nothing to tell," said Tilly cockily, and turned up her nose. "Yes, there is," flung out Laura, at once put on the defensive, and as she spoke she coloured. "Look at her! Look how red she's got!" "And after she promised the sneak!" "I'm not a sneak. I AM going to tell. But you're all in such a blooming hurry." "Oh, fire away, slow-coach!"

The man across the table was little more than a boy an amazingly handsome, astonishingly impudent, cockily confident boy, who was staring with insolent approval at Emma McChesney's trim, shirt-waisted figure, and her fresh, attractive coloring, and her well-cared-for hair beneath the smart summer hat.

His feet were turned inward with comfort and soul-satisfaction, and now and then he jerked his head sideways, with an air of virile satisfaction. The collar of his blue-flannel shirt poked up beside his chin as cockily as the ear of a setter pup.... Father didn't know it, but he was making believe be King of the Bandits.

"I say, Thorp, but this is a go," he went on, cockily enough. Then suddenly the steadiness went out of his voice, like a match-light in a high wind, and he finished with a little, choking gasp, "Just the very rummest go." I don't remember that we had a drink on the strength of it, but it's more than probable. Then we sat down to consider.

I can see things in the middle of my brain," he went on cockily "anything I want to! I don't need to shut my eyes either. They just come up before me." "Man, you're young to have noticed these things, John," said Jock Allan. "I never reasoned it out before, but I'm sure you're in the right o't." But Gourlay took it as a tribute to his towering mind. Oh, but he was the proud mannikin.