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"Eldorado," he said once, cockily, as if he remembered something from the Spanish part of his background. They got almost three-quarters across that unimaginable stretch of emptiness before there was a bad sign. It was a catcall literally in their helmet phones. "Meow!" It was falsely plaintive and innocuous. It was a maliciously childish promise of trouble. A little later, there was a chuckle.

He felt as he had felt when as a Lower Boy at Eton the Captain of the Boats had spoken to him a swimming in the eyes, a brimming of the heart, a gulping at the throat. "Is that Mocassin?" he called to the lad riding the mare. "That's the Queen o' Kentucky, sir," replied the other cockily. "Never was beaten, and never will be given fair play." "Done your gallop?" "Half an hour since."

A fool, a braggart, a liar the less, but still he must leave a vacancy at the hearth! My glance could not keep off the shoulder of him as he walked cockily beside me, a healthy brown upon his neck, and I shivered to think of this hour as the end of him, and of his clay in a little stretched upon the grass that grew where psalm had chanted and the feet of holy men had passed. Kill him!

After a while, with a pair of long amber-colored needles, she fell to knitting with a fast, even furious ambidexterity, her mouth pursing up with a driving intensity, her boring gaze so concentrated on the thing in hand that her eyes seemed to cross. Dawn broke upon her there, her hat still cockily awry, tears dried in a vitrified gleaming down her cheeks.

His hands were burned red; there was a scar across one of them; and he was standing with them cockily at his hips, all unlike the sleekly, noisily quiet Jeff of Brooklyn. He was in corduroy trousers and belted corduroy jacket, with a khaki-colored flannel shirt.

Schum would creep in after him, and behind that closed door there was no telling what long hours of pleading and abjuration took place. But, next morning, in her little black bonnet, the rust out in her black dress and the "want ad." sheet cockily enough beneath her arm, Mrs.

Then the man of ideas began to turn his brain to saving Mother the trouble of selecting the tea-room equipment. It was not an easy problem for him. This gallant traveler, who wore his cap so cockily and paid a three-dollar-and-sixty-cent check so nonchalantly when he was traveling, was really an underpaid clerk. He began by informing himself on all the technicalities of tea-rooms.

You must be a real old-timer, Quantrell!" "I was born in 3403. Makes me 473 years old, Earthtime. But I'm actually only seventeen and a half. Right before Aldebaran we made a hop to Capella, and that used up 85 years more in a hurry." "You've got me by 170 years," Alan said. "But I'm only seventeen myself." Quantrell grinned cockily.

You've behaved yourself ever since you come to Radville, and insinooated yourself into our confidence, 'spite of the fact that nobody in town knows who you were before you came. But now Roland's laid a charge again' you, and I want to know the rights to it." "Well," Roland interposed cockily, "I accused him of it to-night and he didn't deny it."

And only Edna seemed not to agree. To-day at lunch the subject got around to matrimony. Eleanor said: “Any girl can get married, if she wants to so bad she'll take any old thing, but who wants to take any old thing?” “Sure,” I added, cockily. “Who wants to pick up with anyone they can vamp in the Subway?” Whereupon I get sat upon and the line of argument was interesting.